
What should i eat before my test?

by Guest60007  |  earlier

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and dont say beans lol.....okay the question there something i should eat before my test to help me concentrate? its an english test and i have hard time trying to focus...




  1. FISH!! it helps your brain function better

  2. acually this might be hard to belive but they consider tuna fish to be brain food.. any kind of fish like that.. it hould help you.. theyve done tests on it

  3. Eat a very big breakfast everyday :P

  4. Generally, a protein breakfast (eggs, steak and eggs, whatever kind of meat in an omelet, for example) is better than a carb breakfast (cereal, pancakes, muffins, etc.).  A glass of milk would be better than juice which is high sugar, and the milk would provide some carbs which your body needs for brain function, without being too much carbs.  If you want fish, have fish, but that would not be my first choice for breakfast.  Unless it was lox and bagels!

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