
What should i expect at 6 weeks pregnant?

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I am 6 weeks pregnant what should i expect in the upcomming weeks and when will i start to show?




  1. At 6 weeks i started to get morning sickness very bad and I am now 11 weeks and 5 days and I still am going through it, I also am not showing yet. My b***s have gotten fuller, my complexion isn't the best, if you go to the doctor you will get an ultrasound and see the heartbeat. By the 7th or 8th week the baby is moving but you won't feel it yet. I always felt like my period was about to start, but really its just increased blood flow to that area. You might be a bit constipated, probably from vitamins, make sure you are drinking a lot as that will help and it will make you not dizzy, also I noticed eating carrots helped. And walking around. I heard that you aren't suppose to be on your back but I always am. By week 11, risk for miscarriage is relatively low. I wasn't able to take prenatal vitamins due to hyperemesis (severe morning sickness to the point of losing weight.) So I take flintstones chewable kids vitamins. You should start using lotion, I use Curel pregnancy and motherhood. Sorry, I know it was just a bunch of random information. Good Luck!

    Congrats you have made a child :-)

    Why did I get a thumbs down? I went back into my pregnancy books and researched what I felt like, and I spent some time on this.

  2. Everyone is different.  at 6 weeks my morning sickness started but hopefully you won't get any.  Women usually start to show at 5 months.  Good luck with everything!

  3. In the next few weeks i would expect to feel (if you haven't already, some people get symptoms quite early) lack of appetite, constipation (kiwis are good for this), headaches, you may find yourself coming down with a bit of a cold, certainly a bit of a runny nose, and pretty bad fatigue.

    Around 12-15 weeks this fatigue and sickness should clear up and perhaps the constipation too (as this is often caused by a pregnancy vitamin that can be taken in the first 12 weeks, you MUST take folic acid though, so you should start taking this asap) but this may prevail all the way through your pregnancy. You may start to notice a little cramping pain around this time too and maybe into your 17th week. This is round ligament pain and primarily caused by your uterus expanding and your tummy getting ready to expand! You may start to get a little more energy around this time.

    At 16 -20 weeks this is when i found it felt a little more real. Around 17 weeks you may start to notice a little change in your body shape and its around this time that your baby has a little growth spurt and doubles in size over the next three weeks, its because of this that you feel kicks for this first time around 17-20 weeks. This is a wonderful time. After 20 weeks you may be sporting a little bump you will continue to notice growth after this time.

    Hope this has helped.

  4. At 6 weeks pregnant stage, the baby is developing at a very rapid rate. The size of the embryo or the fetus is similar to that of a small bean. The embryo has a very big head in comparison to the entire body. The facial features become noticeable and one is able to see dark spots at the places where eyes and nose are taking shape. The emerging ear marks can also be seen on both sides of the head. The hands and legs are seen as protruding buds. The feet and hands look like paddles and the toe and finger formation can be seen in the earliest stage. The organ formation has started at the 6 weeks pregnant stage. The earliest appearance of lungs, liver, pancreas and thyroid gland is seen at this stage. There is marked distinction of the brain into three different regions. The heart is also divided into distinct right chamber and left chamber. The heart also starts beating vigorously at this time, at a rate of 150 heart beats per minute.

    The respiratory and digestive systems begin to develop. The inner ear and larynx also start forming at this time. The embryo shows growth and development of muscle fibres and pituitary glands. By the 6th week of pregnancy, the embryo starts making first movements. These movements are very slight and small and can’t be felt by the mother now. These movements become vigorous at later stages of the embryonic development and can be felt by the expectant mother in second and third trimesters.

    Changes With Your Body

    The expectant mother may or may not experience the sign and symptoms of pregnancy. The signs and symptoms are prominently visible in some women. The symptoms of early pregnant stage include morning sickness, tiredness, fatigue, vomiting sensations, abdominal cramps or pains, pelvic discomfort and so on. Some of the women going through early stages of pregnancy may experience increased sleepiness. On the other hand, some expectant mothers feel very irritable and have disrupted sleep pattern. In many cases, the pregnant women feel nauseated. Some women take intense liking to certain food items and some may start detesting some foods totally.

    There is increase in the hormone levels during pregnancy for the maintenance and upkeep of pregnancy. The body produces more of estrogen and progesterone. This may lead to major mood swings and mood changes. Some women feel a tingling sensation or tenderness in the b*****s. The pregnancy symptoms of early pregnancy may resemble those of the premenstrual syndrome. Sometimes, there could be implantation bleeding or spotting in some cases. One should not get unduly perturbed by this, but must take due precautions by consulting the physician. The pregnancy experience is quite unique and distinctive for every woman. Some women do not have absolutely any sign of pregnancy other than missed periods. The pregnant women may feel quite excited and nervous during this initial period of pregnancy. There might be some weight increase during the 6 weeks pregnant stage.

    What To Expect

    You are still getting used to the idea of being pregnant at 6 weeks pregnant stage. As the embryonic development is taking place at a very fast face, the expectant mother will have severe symptoms of pregnancy like the morning sickness, nausea, food cravings, food aversions, fatigue, tender b*****s and frequent urination. The morning sickness can take place at any time of the day and may be present throughout the day also. If you experience severe vomiting, you must drink ample water to remain hydrated at all times. As this period of pregnancy is very crucial and critical regarding baby’s development, the expectant mother must totally avoid alcohol, tobacco, drugs and certain beauty treatments.

    The expectant mother must go for the first medical checkup at the hospital at the six weeks stage to ensure that everything is alright. If you are scared about miscarriage, then contact the doctor immediately in case of bleeding, cramping, abdominal pain and passing of blood clots or tissue. The pregnant woman must take good care of herself during pregnancy by way of balanced diet, regular exercise coupled with a cheerful and happy disposition. This will help in having a safe and secure pregnancy along with a healthy baby.

  5. WATER, FLUIDS, DRINK DRINK DRINK. Prenatals. :) I sound like a cheerleader don't I.

    I felt at 6 weeks cramps. Alot of cramps. I constantly thought I was loosing it but she said "it is your uterus growing and your muscles moving out of the way"

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