
What should i expect first day working as a correctional officer? advice please?

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Going to start soon. What should i expect? Its a county jail im going to work for. Just wondering what i could be expecting. Do the inmates generally respect you or do they try getting you to do illegal oporations, just any advice. its my first job as a correctional officer and am looking for advice for starting.




  1. If you deal with inmates directly, they are going to feel you out a little at first. Then they will see how far they can push you by either asking for stuff or doing something out of the ordinary for them. Some of them will try to intimidate you in one way or another. Just do your job. Don't let them intimidate you. If you do, you're done. Talk to them and treat them like they are human (even though they are not and may not deserve it) . Don't belittle them in front of the other inmates. Act like a professional in front of them. You can laugh and talk about what idiots they are after you are alone with the other officers. If you earn their respect as an officer and a person, your job will be much easier.

  2. As an ex-inmate I can tell you to not trust the inmates, do not be alone with females or they can accuse you of stuff that you didn't do. Follow the rules to a T, because people just can't wait to point out a mistake. Don't be unnecessarily rude to inmates, but do not be their best friend. Be nice, but not a pushover and you'll be fine.

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