
What should i expect from an ex polo pony?

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I am looking to buy a horse and have heard about an ex polo pony. She is 14 and doesnt like to play anymore. All i want is safe and steady hack, 2 - 4 times a week and for my kids to have a sit on. The owner said she is sensible and non spooky. I am concerned about how to ride her. I hve heard they can be difficult as they are trained differently. I dont want to waste the owners time if she is not ideal. Any comments much appreciated!




  1. I have an ex polo pony.  The great thing is that she is bomb proof because she's used to things flying around her and lots of commotion.  But she was pretty high strung at first.  The first month all I did was walk with her, to teach her that she didn't have to run all the time.  I think that will be your biggest obstacle...teaching her that it's okay to go slow.  Mine has turned into a great horse though, one of the most trustworthy I've ever had since nothing bothers her.

  2. One of mine is an ex polo pony, he is very quick and sharp although not spooky.

    The best thing to do is to find out as much as possible about her via phone/email and if you are still interested then go and try her, that is the only way you will know for sure whether she feels right for you.

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