
What should i expect..getting 4 mollars extracted today??

by  |  earlier

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just Molars... no wisdom teeth in yet.




  1. is it just your molars you are getting removed or your wisdom teeth? just regular teeth and even molars are extremely easy and should be painless for the most part unlike wisdom teeth being removed. you will be numbed some how most likely through a needle and you will be left alone for a little while for the medicine to work. when they come back they will pull your teeth, put some gauze in your mouth, and you are free to go. your face will feel numb most of the day but will wear off and you will probably be sore. be sure to eat soft foods and ice your face if you need to. you should be pain free within a few days.

  2. it is just that. my dentist gave me a script before my appt. by the time i got in there, i was ok. it takes a while for the process to be "completed," they will put gauze in place of the tooth, he should write you a script for pain, and send you on your way with instructions to keep from getting a dry socket.

    if you smoke, i would be very careful, smoking right after wards, and for a few days. i kept the gauze on there, changing them every so often... my jaw bled for a good bit. you can gargle w/ salt water.

  3. A lot of pain, some swelling, and the inability to eat solid food for several days. I am talking about adult teeth, not baby teeth, by the way.

    PS I have had both wisdom teeth and molars extracted and there was nothing "extremely easy" about pulling out any of them. In fact, the dentist had to saw them in half and each tooth took about half an hour to get out. One was so difficult that part of the root was left in and had to be removed a year later by another dentist.

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