
What should i expect in Freshman Year....?

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Well i'm scared. My friends are as excited as ever (mainly b/c i they want boyfriends and i find that kind of stupid and a little immature. I could careless if i guy liked me.) and i'm the one who is nervous about the schoolwork and the teachers!




  1. When I was a soon to be freshman, I was also really nervous, (I kept asking myself, what about making new friends? what if the teachers I have are really mean? what happens if I don't get a good grade?)  and like yourself, my friends went crazy over the boys.  

    Once I actually got into school, it was okay at first, but after a while you get used to it and it's really fun.  There will always be some really mean teachers that you may really hate (been there done that), but you'll meet a lot of new people and friends.  The school work was okay, some classes will be easier than others depending on the teacher, but to get a really good grade, just do your homework, hand in assignments and study well before a test.  Trust me, I usually just crammed the night before a test, and looked like a zombie.  Also my marks weren't where I would have liked them to be.  

    Good luck on your freshman year, and have fun. ;)

  2. well i go to a magnet high school which is like you have to apply like college and everybody here is smart so it is more work than other hs and i didnt think it was too bad. i heard freshmen year is the easiest so enjoy it and have fun! stay on top of your work so frosh year helps your gpa not kills it! basically its an easy 4.0 once you get used to the work. gluck.

  3. having a boyfriend is not all that important. it actually can be really annoying at times. but high school is much different from being in middle school. just relax and here are some tips that helped me get through freshman year

    -ignore "stupid freshman" remarks

    -actually try in school because collages see your grades

    -don't start drama! its not middle school any more

    -there is a good chance upperclassmen will not want to b seen if public with you even if you are friends. but some are ok with it

    -be yourself, don't live a lie because it is not worth it

    -lastly, HAVE FUN!!

  4. just make the best out of it, in the best ways possible

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