
What should i expect in my kmart interview?

by Guest32521  |  earlier

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I am 17 and applying for my first job. my mom used to interview people at blockbuster and is not being very much help cuz she doesnt want me to work there. what kinds of questions should i expect? and what should i wear?




  1. kmart isnt too strict with their hiring policies, so unless you have a crime record, a mental illness, or for some reason are completely rude to the interviewer id say you got the job already

    expect a few questions like: why do you want to work hear? name a time you had to work in a group and what happened? name a time you showed leadership? name a time you helped someone else? what kind of activities do you do at school and what hobbies do you have?  

    some questions might seem weird, but they ask them to get to know your personality and what kind of character you have

    a standard dressing rule for interviews is to dress one step nice than what you would wear to the actual job, which at kmart is like jeans and a polo, so id say youre fine witha nich collered shirt or something and a skirt or even jeans with some nice shoes

    good luck! youll be great, i know it :)

  2. they'll ask you why you want to work at k mart.

    how good of wortk ethic you have.,

    how well you deal with angry customers.

    do you have reliable transportation,

    how late can you work??

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