
What should i expect in seven hours long flight with my 3 months old baby?

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I am travelling from Dubai to Singapore (7 hours flight) with my three month old baby!

Please suggest me how to handle him. Its a morning flight , so he will be awake for most of the time.

Is it uncomfortable for the babies during landing and take off?

Is it ok if I breastfeed him at the aiport? (Is it indecent? Though I will be obviously cover myself with scarf)

Please give me some valuable tips?




  1. we travelled to England from Canada (Toronto) (7 hour flight as well with a stop over in Scotland) when my daughter was 5months old. I fed her before boarding (breastfed) and she slept all the way. It too was a morning flight and she was brilliant.  She woke up long enough to feed as well, the movement of the plane might just help her sleep all the way there. You might want to change her schedule a bit before you go, waking her up earlier allowing her to play a little before taking off.

    best thing to do from my experience, bring the things she likes best. Toys, music on ipod (you can cup the headphones with your hands and place near not in her ears). You are allowed to walk around when in flight so that might help her if she becomes fussy. If she has a soother or nuky that will help her with the takeoff. Honestly though, we had no problems with my daughter, she enjoyed every minute of it!! Hopefully you have the same luck!

    Good luck and have a safe trip!

  2. Breastfeed him during take off and landing, that should prevent any discomfort in his ears.

    Try to get an aisle seat just for convenience- your own and other passengers- getting up and down to change baby, walk him around a bit, etc. If you haven't already,you might want to get a 'first class' ticket only because the seat is larger- even when we fly as a family, when rates are at a peak we only buy a first class ticket for my self and whoever is the 'baby' at the moment, for seating room and proximity to changing facilities.  Other than that...

    It should be fine, really!

    Babies who are not yet mobile are at the easiest age to travel with. I've learned that through extensive travel with 3 of my 4 children (4 hasn't been anywhere yet :)

    It doesn't get difficult until about 6 - 8 months, when they want to move all the time. You are traveling at the perfect age, have a wonderful trip :)

  3. well you will definately have to bring something to entertain him. i guess it all depends on how cooperative he wants to be lol. as far as feeding goes...i just read a news article the other day about a woman who was discreatly breat feeding her child, was asked to cover herself and the baby completely with a towel. i think ppl do in fact find it offensive but i dont see a problem with it myself. but i am one of the ones who respects the ppl who dont like it. i understand that. i have a 6 year old son and i almost chose not to breastfeed since i didnt want him to see it. (changed my mind lol). i would actually try to keep him up more so hopefully he sleeps but then of course that could backfire

    good luck!

  4. Try to save your breastfeeding until the plane is about to take off and landing then the baby is more settled as it can be uncomfortable for them.  Feed where you like baby hungry baby eats dont worry about anyone !  

  5. firstly.............. go ahead and feed your baby anywhere you like , i do, my baby is hungry i feed him ,the way i see it nobody take s any notice of anyone eating a sandwich or feeding them selfs so why take notice of my son feeding ,

    secondly /..........when you take off and land feed your baby ,as they feed it stops their ears popping ,or give a dummy or soother sucking helps .

    finally ...............babys feel sleepy when they are moving ,like in the car or in the pram so baby will more than likely doze off after each feed and change , just be with baby as you would at home

    dont worry you will be fine try not to over stress and enjoy your flight  

  6. Best thing to do during take off and landing is to give him a binky or breastfeed  him.  That way his ears can pop when they need to.  I think it is okay to breastfeed him as long as you completely cover up.

    Make sure you change him right before you get on the plane since you HAVE to sit in the window seat with a lap-baby.  That way you won't have to ask the people next to you to get up too many times so you can get out.  

    Speaking of changing on the plane- most, if not all, planes do not have a changing table in the bathroom.  From personal experience, I have learned that the best way to change a baby is to put the lid down on the toilet and then sit down and lay the baby on your lap.  It makes the cramped space a little more manageable.

    Most airlines will let you board right after first class, with a baby, if you ask them.  That way you can get settled in before other people board.  Put your diaper bag right under the seat in front of you for easy access.  

    Good luck!  As long as you can have him suck and have his ears pop periodically, you should be fine!

  7. I wouldn't worry about where you breastfeed your baby - as long as you are discreet, then the same rules apply - no one can stop you from breastfeeding.  I wouldn't be so certain if he will be awake for the flight as the motion and noise of the plane may send him off to sleep, similar to the effect that cars have on babies.  I know at 3 months, my baby would have breastfed constantly if I let her, so for some peace, I would probably breastfeed as much as possible during the flight.  

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