
What should i expect on my first day of high school?!?

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wednsday is my first day and im very excited but also a little nervous! i have my outfit ready and everything but what should i be ready for on my first day?

and also this is my first year taking the bus and i dont know anyone on the bus so what do you think i should do for that too???

and, last thing, im 14 but ive never had like a "real" boyfriend before, and advice on this? i was hoping maybe this year i'd get one but i dont rly knw how to go about it or any advice??

--thank you sooo much and any advice you can give on any of these things will be appreciated..thx!!




  1. Okay so my first year at high school didn't go as smoothly as i wanted it to. I was extremely nervous, especially because my school is hugeeee.

    The first day will be kind of awkward, at least i thought it was.

    But you'll make friends in no time.

    Now about the bus, you can always look for open spots until you start talking with some people, if not, then just sit with someone, usually they'll be nice. Try and start a conversation with them.

    Don't worry about a boyfriend yet, you still have time. Don't let boys distract you from your studies ;]

  2. I'm a senior

    1.) Expect to get lost. Ask teachers or security guards. don't ask older girls( bc they are bitchy) or guys ( love to play pranks)

    2.) Don't buy any pool passes or **** like that. If anyone tries to sell you any entrance to a part of the school, run the other way. its a scam.

    3.)Expect to make friends. Be extra friendly.

    4.) Expecy to be a little stressed out. sometimes the work can get a little out of hand.

    5.) Join clubs first chance you get. You'll make older friends and it looks amazing when you are applying for highschool.

    6.) dont cut classes. Cutting classes won't make you cool, it'll just fuc k up your transcript. I NOE RIGHT NOW YOURE THINKING i would never cut class but wait till someone pressures you to.

    7.) About the boyfriend thing, I suggest you make a lot of guy friends. Don't expect to have a boyfriend freshman year bc that is not always possible.

  3. For the bus, I took it for the first time last year. It was a bit scary at first, as long as you don't start a war with anyone on there you shouldn't be bothered. The older kids usually have a certain spot where they sit and will kick you out if you sit there but it is not that bad. You usually find a friend that you start hanging out with at the bus stop. Just make sure you don't make the mistake I see so many people do, if don't see a seat at the back of the bus don't go there because by the time you get to the front all those seats are gone. Then bus starts moving and your in a frantic mood trying to sit down. Happened to me once. Over all the bus isn't that bad.

  4. ok i was in the same predicament as you

    im also 14 and ive had a few boyfriends but nothing serios

    this morning was my first day of high school and i was feeking out

    like hyperventalating

    when i got there i went straght to my classes

    the teachers were very helpful and of course all the uperclassmen made fun of the freshman but thats just how it always is

    a few people talked to me that were in some of my classes and that was nice scince i know nobody

    but the only bad part was lunch when i was allllll by myself just stading there like ....o.k. what am i supposed to do now  but i saw this girl and i introduced my self because why not what could it possibly hurt and when we were finished talking she showed me to my next


    my parents keep telling me that it will get better in time and i belive them so dont get to worried about it and when you start over thinking it stop and go with the flow

    good luck on your fisrt day and i kno i hate hearing this but the boyfriend thing just needs some time highschool is huge you will deffinitly find someone

  5. im in the same situation as you, with entering high school and the boyfriend thing.

    ive got an older sister, shes a senior.  ive heard the 1st week or two the upperclassmen yell 'freshmann!' in the hallways, but otherwise they dont really bother you. as for the bus, you'll probably meet people. if not, if you have an ipod i would bring that to listen too. its not really that bad, even tho people say it might be. and for the first day, just know your way around and you'll meet a ton of people in your classes. good luck!

  6. I start on Wednesday, too. Really, I don't think it should be much different then middle school, but I don't really know.

  7. The whole boyfriend thing is booming in highschool. You're going to have alot of guys wanting to hook up with you. Which could mean many things. In 8th grade/9th usually a hook-up ranges from just making out to  sucking him off, LOL. Be prepared, because if you're cute guys will try talking to you with just hooking up on their minds. Otherwise, you'll probably find a nice guy, who if he likes your personally will ask you out.

    When you guys start 'dating' you will continuously kiss, hug, walk around holding hands, cuddle with him.

    This is making me jealous. :O

    Good luck. Really.

  8. I freaked out before my first day of high school, but it's really nothing. Teachers know that freshman are always a little scared of a new, bigger school, so they're always very helpful when you need assistance in finding classes, reading your schedule, etc. Also, don't be worried about kids being mean or anything, (most) people tend to have matured a lot from middle school, and so teasing/making fun of other kids isn't that big of an issue.

    As for the bus, just sit next to whoever, it's not like you have to be their best friend or anything. You don't even have to talk to anyone if you don't want to, however, you don't want people to think you're anti-social. Just be cool, be yourself, be kind to other people, and making friends and meeting cool new people will be a breeze.


    As far as boyfriends go, be careful, because people know that freshmen are really easy to take advantage of. Some older jerks tell freshmen that they'd be cool if they dated a senior or something, and then all they do is use them for s*x. Just be safe and avoid those really stupid, smoker, drug addict types, because believe me, they're all over the place (especially if you go to a school in a poorer part of town like I do). Don't just go around hunting for boyfriend, be content and happy with yourself as one person, and if a nice guy comes along, go for it.

    I hope I helped. Remember to have fun, because high school is really a blast!

  9. Okay, well freshman year preeeeeety much sucks, I'm sorry to say. hah. I'm a sophomore so I JUST got done with being a freshie. =]

    Be expected to be shoved into walls, be treated like c**p, and be last in line for everything. Ever heard of seniority? Yeah, it's even more important than how hot or well dressed you are. You are the lowest of the low. haha.

    Senior guys are also the WORST. They looove to be idiots to little freshman girls. Don't fall for their jokes, and I would recommend not believing most of what they say.

    As to the whole boyfriend question, don't force the issue. It may not seem like it, but a BUNCHHHH of 14 year old girls don't have boyfriends yet. You just need to wait for that perfect guy, and most guys our age aren't idk...mature enough? This is kind of the problem that is aroused in high school, because freshman girls suddenly see older, more mature guys. Don't fall for them. If you date an older guy, specifically a senior, other girls will think you're a s**t, and you'll be known as easy. So yeah, date a guy because you like him, not just because you wanna date.

    Goodluck! haha, no matter how much I say that high school sucks, it's really not awful. Join lots of clubs to be exposed to people and be extra friendly. Do NOT act stuck up because you're a high schooler now, and if you were popular in middle school, DONT act like you're the sh**. No matter how cool you were in middle doesn't matter. NOTHING from middle school matters to older people in High School.


  10. You're going to get stuffed into your own locker.  You're going to get sent to the farthest corners of the school instead of where you were trying to go.  When you venture into the bathroom you're going to get tackled and given a long cold swirlie.

    Oh, wait, no, that was me.

    You'll do fine.  Find another first-year who's looks to have the same confusion level as you do, and work it out together.  EVERY first-year is in the same boat you're in.

    Boyfriends are like a lot of other things: If it looks too good to be true, it probably is.

    The best thing I can tell you is that middle school is the worst thing you'll ever endure, with the possible exception of giving birth.  It gets easier from here on out.

  11. Trust me don't want a boyfriend. Don't go looking for one. If the right guy comes along then sure but there are alot of bad guys in high school. I am a guy and i am going into my sophmore year in high school so i know what i'm talking about. Because immediately when you walk through the doors of the school all the upperclassman boys will see you as fresh meat. And try to get with you if you are cute. and take advantage of you. Don't get caught up in date rape. it happens all the time. be careful. and when the sophmores, juniors and seniors are really nice to you, that usually means they want to have s*x with you and thats all. watch out and stay safe.

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