
What should i expect scared?

by  |  earlier

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my dentist doesnt put you out for teeth pulling and i have to have my 2 front teeth out so i am going to talk to him to see if he can refer me to someone that does what is it the procedure that knocks you out completely and has anyone experienced it what do they do to you and how do you feel when you wake up my big thing is i hope i wake up from it do they give you an iv in your hand how long does it take and do they also give gas with this anyone that has had this before please shed some light thank you




  1. I have had laughing gas and you are not completely put out but it works great. By the way  I have also had Novocaine and never had pain when a tooth was pulled.

  2. When I got surgery they game me an IV in my arm. It doesn't hurt that bad. Only for 2 seconds. When they turn on the anesthesia you probably won't be able to count to 5. You wohn't rmemember falling asleep either. They usually put oxygen over your nose and nouth to wake you up. Then you might feel tired for the rest of the day. Sometimes anesthesia makes you feel sick like you are going to throw up too.

    If they do use gas. They just put a gas mask over your nose and mouth and you breathe in like twice and you go out like a light.

    It might be easier to just get your teeth numbed though if you would rather be awake.

    Hope I helped! :)


    When I got surgery they game me a sedative so I was really calm and everything was a blur. You will be fine. Trust me. I was really nervous about the anesthesia  for my surgery too because I had never got it before

  3. Some gas to start, once you are calmed and lightly sedated, then they insert the I.V. (You wont even feel it/or care at that point) a few seconds later you will be out like a light and wake up after it has all been done. I would ask the Dr. what procedure does he/she uses and if you are not comfortable ask to be reffered to a sedation dentist.

    hope this helps.


  4. If you have a real anxiety, then you may want some anesthesia. Keep in mind tho, that anesthesia is not without it's risks and side effects too. (like making you sick on the stomach- last thing you want if having teeth removed).  There are different types of anesthesia as well.  If the procedure is to be fairly simple and quick, it's likely you would not get the "deep sedation".

    However, having your teeth removed with out it may not be as bad as you think.  Baby teeth are fairly simple to remove, as the roots are shorter and may have already started to dissolve.

    I would see an oral surgeon for the best treatment and care.  Extractions are their "bread and butter" and know all the ins and outs and how to make you comfortable.

    Good Luck!

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