
What should i expect when i go for my 6 hours?

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i am 16 and i just got signed up to do my 6 hours to get my permit. what exactly goes on during those 6 hours? do they have my drive as soon as i get in the car. ahah i am kind of nervous because i never drove a car and i do not know anything about driving, so do they explain this to me?




  1. they will test you about sign,how to drive safe,etc.

    and yes of course they will ask you to drive as soon as you get in the car,but before that they will see what shuld you do before you start the engine.

    its mostly almost same like you get test for driving license.

    and they not gonna explain anything to you,so you have to find out how,by your self.

    but they prepared the book though.

    i suggest dont take permit if you not ready.

  2. Hi,

    In the United Kingdom, we purchase either driving lessons (single) or intensive courses, these last for so many hours, eg. 20, which is spread over several days.

    I assume that you are taking a similar tuition program, you will learn several aspects of the car, and the controls etc.

    Here is an example :

    - You will learn the controls of the car, such as mirrors, signals, controls and instruments, parking brake, gear selector, pedals.

    - Driving forwards and steering techniques, push/pull is one where you feed the steering wheel through your arms.

    - Controlling your stops effectively, whilst you see whether it is safe to go at a blind junction for example.

    You may start off on an easy route where trarfic is minimal, then graduately progress onto busier roads where you have to do slightly more planning, anticipating, and observing hazards.

    Pre drive checks, ensure all doors are shut, the brake is on, gear selector is in neutral position on a manual, or park on an auto, mirrors are set correctly, also it may be a good idea to wear the seat belt.

    You will then start the engine, pressing down on the clutch, select gear '1' and slowly release the clutch pedal enabling the car to reach the 'Biting point'. When you are here, release the handbrake and slowly release the clutch further. Add more accelleration and the car will move.

    Changing Gear (if applicable, manual) press the clutch right down to the floor and select gear '2', then let it up slowly. This time there is no biting point to worry about, and there are reduced chances of the engine actually stalling.

    You may learn reversing, and manoueveurs, such as bay park, and reversing around a corner, turn in the road, that kind of thing, etc.

    You may be asked to conduct and remember the cockpit drill (door checks, mirrors, etc) and set sequences such as approaching roundabouts and turning into sideroads.

    The instructor may also teach you some basic theory, and speed limits, so you know not to drive the car above the limit for that particular road.

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