
What should i feed a baby mouse ?? help ?

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umm i found a baby mouse in the basement last night (its morning now) and its not moving much but its still breathing

i dont want to put it outside cause its weak and something might eat it

he has fur his legs are weak and shaking and he cant open his eyes yet

so i've been thinking he was hungry

what should i feed him ?




  1. the mothers proboly in the basement somewhere u should try 2 find it if u do put the mom with the baby and there would proboly be more mice if u cant find it then u should put it back in the basement so its mother can feed it. but i dont know what else i would do hope this helps and good luck!!!

         p.s if u want u can try feeding it a carrot lettuce or a piece of an apple good luck!!

  2. quick! go to pet store and ask what formula to feed him... such as puppy formula, kitten formula, rabbit formula ext. ext.

  3. a lot of people say mice like cheese, but they really like penutbutter.

  4. If you know someone with a snake like a ball python, they will love it. Baby mice are great snake food.  

  5. If you can, try and find some sunflower seeds (unsalted), or even better, maybe even mixed birdseed. Also, give the mouse some water, asap (if need be, try using an eye dropper to help urge the mouse to drink the water). I'm not sure what else there is to do, being that I don't have the longest experience with mice. Hope all goes well for the little guy!

    I personally had two mice once, but I had experience with many baby seemed that when they were old enough to have fur, they started to eat the grains. It was a while ago, but it's something.

    Oh, and if this doesn't work, take the mouse to the pet store and ask them what to do (if they don't know, try a vet). Keep the mouse cozy too, and not in bright light, since they are nocturnal animals.

  6. Good grief you get some odd recommendations on these questions!

    Some of this depends on how old the mouse is.  What developmental stage is it at?  

    1.  No fur, just pink all over (0-3 days old)

    2.  No fur, but the skin is dark (3-6 days old)

    3.  Fur, but eyes are still closed (7-12 days old)

    4.  Eyes are open, but mouse looks like a baby, not just like a small version of a mouse (still wobbly, for instance) (13-18 days old)

    5.  Mouse is small, looks essentially like a mini-version of an adult but isn't eating seeds and such yet at all.  (19-25 days old)

    6.  Mouse looks like a mini-version of an adult and will nibble on seeds and other foods offered to it.

    At stage 6, you can feed it normal mouse food--seeds, dried-out bread, unsweetened cereals, etc.

    Anything younger than stage 6 isn't weaned yet, so you're going to need an eyedropper or syringe (without the needle part) to hand feed it.  Don't use cow's milk, they can't digest it (neither can most non-human baby animals).  Get some KMR kitten or puppy formula at the pet store--the liquid is fine or the powder which you add water to.

    Here is a good site detailing how to go about this:

    Bottom line, though, anything younger than 12 days is really really hard to hand-raise, and you shouldn't feel too bad if the baby doesn't survive.  Its best chance is if you can find a local pet store with either a mouse or a rat that has a litter somewhere close to the same age, and sneak it into the nest.  (Rats will nurse a mouse baby).  Otherwise the odds are pretty bad.

    Good luck!

  7. Feed him some smashed up fruits or veggies. Try it! Or go to a pet store......or even the vet! It may get sick, for it's small.  

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