
What should i feed my betta to keep him healthy?

by Guest44613  |  earlier

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I only feed him 2 pellets a day... i know that not enough but i just found that out! stupid Wal-Mart advice... should i feed him bloodworms or can you tell me a healthy bite i can give him? hes fine in a 2 gallon tank and with a filter. Plus i really keep an eye on his water temperture! (78-80F). he has plant and marbles at the bottom. But any food tips? IF YOU ANSWER YOU ROCK AND I REALLY LOVE YOU GUYS FOR TAKING YOUR TIME TO HELP ME! THANKS!




  1. I personally own 3 Beta's. Bloodworms are the best food for them, as the correct amount a very small pinch is fine. You really don't have to be very precise as Beta's are hardy fish just don't over feed it and you will be fine :)

  2. Bettas are wonderful fish and if cared for correctly can live VERY long, for fish that is. First of all let me stop you and tell you 2 times a day is plenty for sure, even once a day would be fine. Like most fish they will eat eat eat as long as food is available and that can cause over feeding and eventually death. The truth is bettas are pretty tough fish they can go even about a week without food, i do not recommend this however. I would feed it once or twice a day about as much as it can consume in about 2 minutes for general feeding pick up specialty betta food i find they prefer pellets to flakes and for treats i suggest blood worms (once a week only cause high in protein and may cause constipation) and brine shrimp (which is like candy to bettas not very nutritious but they love it). If you choose to feed them these i suggest either freeze dried or jelly. If you wanna take it the extra yard you can feed your betta certain vegetables. however they are typically carnivorous so not many will accept it but peas can help with digestion problems and constipation (you have to deshell the pea and get the soft inside because the shell is indigestible to fish). I hear cucumber and broccoli are good for them too but when feeding throw it in the microwave for 20 seconds or so and let it cool. Try to teach them to eat off your finger its the easiest way. Good Luck! Hope this helped!

  3. A high quality pellet food should be you betta's staple, depending on the size and brand of the food, 4-8 pellets a day is sufficient (take a good look at it's eye, that's how big it's stomach is). Once or twice a week as treats, my bettas love bloodworms, brine shrimp, dapnia, baby crickets, fruit flys, mysis shrimp, krill, baby guppies, finely chopped beef-heart and blanched peas (for digestion). Normally I don't give my bettas any vegetables because they are carnivores but peas help bettas digest foods better and it has not shown any adverse affects when given to them in labatories.

  4. I feed my Betta pellets I feed him six pellets every other day.  I was feeding him more and he became less active and the person at the LFS said he was probably constipated.  Sometimes on the day that I do not give him pellets I give him Betta flakes.  He does not like these as much.    

  5. Freeze dried blood worms: a couple pieces in place of a meal, a couple times a week (no more, or they will get finnicky and not eat regualr pellets until they are starving).

    I have to use tweezers (and then I have to rinse them) to feed him bloodworms, they make my eyes water if I touch them. Says on the side of the package some people will be allergic to them.  Wash your hands after touching them, just to be safe.

    Other than that I feed mine hikari betta food. Easy to find, and the fish eat it  and do well by it. Bright colors, healthy fins, active, etc. Thats not the case with all the foods I have tried. So I stick with the hikari

  6. I feed betta pellets (as much as they eat in 3/4 minutes) and some bloodworms.  

  7. i own 2 betta fish, and i was told the same about feeding pellets, and my fish hate the pellets so i feed mine BettaMin Tropical Medley (not sure if u can get it in america) it has small red flakes and freeze dried brine shrimp, they love it

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