
What should i feed my cockatiel?

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At the moment, I am feeding my cockatiel seeds. I have fed it carrot a couple of times, but it only eats a wee bit(under half a tea spoon). I have read that seeds are unhealthy for cockatiels and that they should be fed pellets mainly. Where can I get pellets from, are they expensive and can cockatiels eat budgie food cos i saw a stick in asda that said nutritional budgie food nd i was wondering if my cockatiel can eat that as well.




  1. feed it seed with sunflower seeds in it, also feed it some apple every once in a while.

    go to the local pet store and ask. they will beable to tell you exactly.

  2. sunflower seeds

    crushed up crackers

    wheet bix

    anything really

  3. You can get Pellets for your bird at any pet store, Use only high quality feed, and make sure you are feeding fresh fruit and veggies too. There are a lot of really good groups that deal w/ just cockatiels right here on yahoo.  Good luck!


  4. you need to teach your cockatiel to eat pellets and fresh fruit/vegetables. Leafy greens, carrot, apple, celery leaves, pear, stone fruits are a good start. Offer the new food in the morning, and in the after noon (say after about 3-4pm) put the seed mix back in so the bird has something to eat that day. Birds can be stubborn, the trick is to keep offering until they eat it. A good quality pelleted mix is the best for cockatiels, those sticks in the supermarkets are treats only and budgie treats can be offered on occasion.

    ETA go to a good pet store, parrot breeders or bird club/sale for pellets. Sunflower and weetbix is NOT a good diet for a cockatiel. They need only a few sunflower seeds as they are highly fatty and can cause obesity and fatty liver in caged birds so do not purchase seed mixes high in sunflower.

  5. My cockateel ate seeds and everything I ate...raw and cooked vegetables, meats, potatoes, pasta.  I'd share my dinner with him every night.  My vet said no lemons, no chocolate and no avocado. Sunflower seeds aren't the best for them though.  My vet told me to just get parakeet seeds so there wouldn't be sunflower seeds in the mix...those millet sprays are nice for them too.

  6. My cockatiel loves regular food plus his seeds.  He loves beans,peas,Lima's,cooked dry beans and peas.  Corn, he'll go right to and cooked pasta, also celery, lettuce and raw green beans.  Lean meats such as chicken, also cooked potatoes.  I don't know if he's a rarity, but I read somewhere a third of their diet should be regular food.  But no grapes.  I don't give him a lot, but you should see him digging into the mashed potatoes.  Of course you should hold the salt and butter!  He's seven years old and never had any health problems.  Just a little is all they need and usually will quit anyway when they get full.

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