
What should i feed my rabbit?

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My rabbit is a 6 week old netherland dwarf, and how many pellets should i feed him per meal, and how many meals a day. I know to give him unlimited amounts of timothy hay




  1. A lot, it is important when they are young to feed it well. Give it a bowl is good.

  2. i think you should feed it some carrots and lettuce.

  3. fresh vegetables like cabbage, camote tops, kangkong, pechay, etc. i  have rabbit too. its fem!! yours?

  4. Carrots

  5. Your rabbit is very young so it won't eat too much. I would say maybe half a cup to three quarters of a cup of pellets is enough. Unlike dogs, you don't have to feed them several times a day. Just leave the food there in the morning and clean out the remainder the next day. Clean food and living quarters are key to a healthy life. :)

    Veggies are good but fruits should be limited since they're fattening to the rabbit.

  6. sleeping pills and viagra

  7. don't forget to feed him small bits of fruit and vegetables!

    all animals need those things...

    in the wild, rabbits don't eat pellets. they eat fruits and veggies, but also seeds.

    give your rabbit variety!!! how would you like to eat pellets every day?

  8. I would only give him  about 1/4 cup per day since he is so small.  the rule is 1/4 cup for any rabbit up to 5lbs.  also give him carrots.  be careful with any veggies because too much can make him have gas.  You really don't need to feed rabbits meals, but you can give him a little bit of vegies to see how he does with them.

  9. kjtkj

  10. There are various things to feed rabbits. Lettuce, carrots, and hay are thought to be treats for them rather then food. Try feeding him 1 cup of rabbit food in the morning, every morning. I feed my rabbit LM rabbit food [ ].  If your rabbit wont eat try feedind him a few blades of dried alfalfa grass. This is a tasty treat for them! I hope that helps you. :)

  11. Carrots and Lettuce are the two most important things for a rabbit.

  12. please read some info about this subject.  rabbits have very delicate digestive systems and they need specific foods to be healthy.  up to 7 months they need a certain diet, and then after 7 months they need a different diet...

    hay is the most important part of their diet, followed by fresh veggies (2-4 cups per day!)  and then limited pellets.  baby rabbits can have more pellets, but after 7 months they should be reduced according ot his weight.  treats should be given very rarely and in moderation... not more than 3x per week.  no seeds or yogurt treats!

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  14. If it is only 6 weeks old, then you should feed it normal pellets because you feed it a different food then as it grows up then it will like it instead of normal food. You should feed it about a handful only 1 small handful and as it grows up feed it more and more!!! Good Luck!!!  ^_^

  15. Rabbits will only eat what they need. I always tried to keep the pellets in their bowl constantly and they can eat as they want to. That way, you just recheck and keep it full.  Be sure and keep them plenty of water, too. Don't give them any green leafy "salad" that has been refrigerated. Along with the timothy hay, fresh, hand-picked greens are great. Wild stuff like "Doc" planckton, kale, branch lettuce. If you have Kudzu (thats a curse for some people,) but rabbits love the kudzu leaves.

  16. try ice burg lettice

  17. First of all, no meat, rabbits are vegeterians, thats what i heard. Rabbit eat hay and carrots (OBVIOUSLY) and for the rabbit pellets stick to 2 bowl full a day, served with carrots and some hay on the side. Make sure the carrots are chopped up into small bits so the rabbit can eat it, and I'm talking bacon bit small. Well, almost that small. I hope this helps! Good luck to you and your rabbit!

  18. I have polish, which are just a little bit bigger than netherlands, or sometimes the same size. They get 1/4 cup of pellets per day, once a day. Sometimes people like to divide them into two meals, but it really doesn't matter. It all depends on the percentage of protein in their food. The more protein, the less amount you should feed. My pellets have 16% protein. Good job feeding the unlimited timothy!

  19. when i had my rabbit, i just filled his bowl once a day.

    juist make just you take him out to hope around the house and get exercise. also, give him treats like carrots, apples, celery, and lettuce but it has to be room temature because if it is cold it will give the rabbit a stomach ache.

  20. Dont give it cabbage or lettuce it will give them the runs and upset there stomach. Carrots are nice just be careful how many you give it because they get fat fast, i learned the hard way. i Give my Netherland dwarfs a little less then a half of a cup. At his age it should probable by 1/4 of a cup.

  21. i feed my rabbit (same breed, he's a little older though) a bowl of standard rabbit pellets that you can buy at any pet store... or even wal mart! i always make sure he's got fresh water, and treat him to fresh fruits and veggies (he LOVES carrots, raisins and pears) about 4-6 times a week. also, throw in a block of wood for him to gnaw on so his teeth don't over grow and stay nice and healthy! good luck!

  22. i'm sorry guys but some of you are wrong. 6 weeks is very young, at this point it is growing and needs a lot of food. A rabbit under the age of 6 months old should never have any fresh greens and fruits . Young rabbits have very weak stomaches and can get diarreha easily and die. You should give young rabbits unlimited amounts of pellets too. But once it reaches the age of 6 months you lower the amount of alfalfa based pellets and replace it with fruits and vegggies. Trust me, I've done a lot of research! Read a bunch or books and guides online. is a good site.

  23. Just give him about two bowls per day.

  24. 6 weeks old is VERY young.

    My rabbit is about a year old.

    This is what you should feed your 6 week old.

    ( only introduce vegetables at about 11 weeks of age for digestion issues)

    1. fresh water everyday, on warmer day cold water should be offered.

    2.Unlimited timothy hay should be offered at around 4 months of age, hay should be gradually changed from timothy to alfalfa hay. This switch should be done over a weeks period with giving timothy hay and a hand full of alfalfa, then adding more alfalfa and decreasing the amount of timothy hay given.

    3.1/3 cup of pellets should be offered and bowl should be refilled 1/2 cup of pellets when its empty.

    as for treats; 1 or 2 raisons & craisons.

    As your rabbit get older begin to slowly introduce romain lettuce, carrots & fruits.

    Join this site and tell them you were reffered to it by April ( user name bunbuns)

    they answer all your question.


  25. Well what did the people where you adopted him say?

  26. rabbits eats carrotts. where have you been? just kidding. i see them eat them all the time

  27. It should say on the side of the food bag. You could also just keep his dish full, he'll eat what he wants.

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