
What should i feel after smoking a cigarette?

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I feel nothing.. no change. I red that i shall be more calm, but i don't feel any change...




  1. You should feel like a complete wiener  

  2. You wont feel anything until you've smoked for about a month, after that time nicotine will have taken hold of your system.  Once your body has the nicotine in it, it will want it all the time so every time you have a ciggie it will relieve the feeling your body has of wanting it.  I smoked for over twenty years and have been given up for the last four. Giving up is the best thing I ever did and if I could go back and start over I never would have taken up the habit.  It's like you don't have control over what you want to do, the nicotine has control over you.  All I can say is don't do it.

  3. That is because you're not addicted to those cigarettes yet.  Best advice is to not pick one up again, save your lungs and your health.  There are other things that can relax you that won't end up giving you cancer.  Yoga, meditation, exercise, s*x are just a few of those things.  

  4. new smokers should feel light headed.  i usually feel more relaxed

  5. Than don't do it! you can get lung cancer from that! who cares what you are supposed to feel, do you want to have dark lungs? don't kill your self slowly.


  7. Seriously take the rest of the pack and throw it in the trash. I'm happy your not feeling anything because it is a stupid addictive thing that most people who have been doing it for a couple of years wish they had never started. I know your just curious about it but so was I.. now I'm fighting to quit and I've been smoking for over five years.

  8. You should feel silly that you got sucked in my multinational companies who don't care that their products kill people.

  9. .,if you are new inhale very deeply, you'll get light headed and dizzy.but after you start up nothing. Ive smoked for years and I'm an idiot. and if u keep it up in 10 to 15  years you'll say the same and cant stop. u can rebel in other ways, much better ways.

  10. Thank Goodness!

    You can be saved from this madness!

    If I gave you a bottle labelled Poison would you consume it?

    The answer is of course "No do you think I am stupid?" isn't it?

    Yet when confronted with the identical choice ONLY packaged eagerly partake of it ...not only that you inhale it which puts it instantly into your blood stream!

    A Slow Poison it may be but luckily just smoking one f*g won't kill you. Go visit your local hospital chest diseases ward. If you want to see the CHANGE that comes about after smoking many fagerrettes!

    I guarantee you'll never suck on another!

    I have lost too many friends much younger than I to smoking related CANCER.....I can no longer sit idly by without commenting.

    What SHOULD YU FEEL after smoking a cigarette? (I assume your first),,,,,very lucky that it was me who saw your POST and woke you up !   There is only one end to a cigarette and that is the FOOL'S END!

    Now go and breathe a sigh of Relief, that is something those dying of EMPHYSEMA will never be able to do again!

    If I asked you to give me a $50 bill so that I could use it to light my camp fire.....would you give it to me?

    No?  Just ask yourself, what is the difference between doing that and going out and buying 100 cigarettes and smoking them?

    Don't be another smoking fool!

  11. pshhh i feel nothing eather.

    your sapose to feel lightheaded i gues...

    but lightheaded my b******e >:(

    i do smoke a cig if im extremly stressed.

    but it barly works.

    you shouldnt do it its just lung cancer on a stick

    alchoal or weed is better then the stoopid cancer stick...

  12. You should feel like you don't wanna bother because nothing happened. Or feel like you might not want to look like this...

  13. If your new, a few second head spin, mixed with alchohol, a few minutes of head spins. gross.

  14. stupid

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