
What should i get? Hamster Or a Bird?

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Well My brother has allergies and i want a pet that has fur or feathers. They have to stay in the garage. I really really want a hamster and the bird could get hurt easily living in the garage. But my mom doesn't like they smell of the carefresh bedding for hamsters. Any suggestions??? What should I get???? And is there anything i can do about the smell of the bedding???




  1. I would say a hamster. Hamsters are so much fun to play with. They are so cute and loveable.

  2. nothing

  3. get a hamster and fill its cage with shredded news paper

  4. I would get the hamster. I have a guinea pig, but I buy the bedding that is for both guinea pigs, and hamsters, so I have the same problem. What I do to controll the odor, is I clean his cage every Wendesday. I use Critter Care, so the odor dosen` t stink for quite a while. When I clean his cage, I dump out the bedding, and then I scrub the bottom of the cage. After that, I put in the new bedding, and before putting Wubzzy in his cage, I spray the bottom with Fresh Results, and then I put his food bowl, and then him in his cage.  

        Oh and with a hamster, while cleaning his caje you can block him from running away with some pillows, but with a bird it could fly away and then it would be bye bye birdie. Plus, you can put a hamster on your lap and pet it. You can` t do that with a bird.

  5. If it's in the garage is your mom gonna smell it?  I would get a hamster because you could play with it a lot more than a bird.  Maybe try another bedding or something.

  6. I want Hamster Please!!! Hamster is so Good!!!

    Well it's so simple to get hamster

  7. i have had both, if it is in the garage a bird will not fare well. depending on where you live it could overheat or freeze. a bird is definitely an inside pet, sorry.  about a hamster,  to keep the smell down just clean the cage often, usually once every one or two weeks.  just keep the hamster cool or warm depending on weather and it should be fine. about the bedding though, there of course is the pine shavings and some bedding i have seen at petsmart that looks like crunched up toilet paper. it works really well but is a little more expensive than the pine, and when you get a hamster make sure to get a female, they don't stink as much.

  8. What ever you get I hope you get two.  After the novelty wears off how much time are you going to spend in the garage?

  9. hey,

    might i suggest you get a gerbil. they don't smell a lot, you don't have to change the bedding a lot, and THEY LOVE TO PLAY. the only thing is that you have to get two since they are going to be in garage. and might i also suggest you put extra bedding if you are going to put them in the garage, they can use the bedding to stay warm.  research on gerbils and you will see for yourself. now, if the carefresh does to smell well cleaning is the logical thing to do but i also saw anti-smell solution in the pet store (petsmart)

    as for the bird... well i was thinking of getting a bir but they are expensive and they need constant attention and being in the garage is not a good idea...

    well good luck and i have the same problem with my brother...

    i know how you feel lol

  10. Hamster!

  11. I don't think u should get either 1 cuz a bird will easily die in the garage. And a hamster can't be in the garage when it's to hot or cold.  Hamsters can get heat cycles & the cold can possibly freeze ur hamster to death cuz hamsters r so small.

  12. HAMSTER!@

  13. Id suggest a hamster. They dont make as much noise and theyre "presents" are easier to clean up.

    Birds can chirp in the middle of the night and bang their wings against the cage alot. Theyre aim on the toilet might not be as nice.

    But Hamsters could make noise too, if theyre given a running wheel. But if you change the bedding often or cover it up with new ones if you dont have time, then you could reduce some smell.

  14. Get a hamster. If your brother is allergic to things then stray feathers may fly off the bird.  I think you should get a hamster and just tell your mom that she wont even notice it or it's smell.  Just make sure that the snake in your garage isn't in there anymore. Because if he escapes then your hamster is toast! Even though his cage is secured with paper clips the smell of a hamster can make him come out.  Bird p**p smells FAR worse than hamster p**p and bedding. Tell your mom that she won't even be able to smell the bedding when she walks out. into your garage. Also, make sure the garage door isn't opening and closing constantly because loud noises scare hamsters.

    Good luck!

  15. Neither. Unless your garage is heated and has AC and there are no fumes in there from cars (kind of the point of having a garage), no animal should live in there. Would YOU live in the garage? If not, your pet shouldn't either.

    However, if your garage is a suitable place, it really depends. Birds live for a much longer time than hamsters, and they require different care. As for the bedding, use a different kind. Aspen shavings are nice and don't have a bad smell to it. I, personally, don't mind the smell of aspen.

    I think the best thing for you to do would be to research both hamsters and birds. Then, choose the one that best fits what you're looking for in a pet, your lifestyle, and the care you can provide for it.

  16. i suggest a hamster, they r very cute. but if u r going to keep it in the garage it might get cold. hamsters can't stand low temperatures, so unless u somehow have a warm garage or a heater for it, it might not work. i took care of a bird once and it was loud, chirpped all the time. both can be fun and annoying. good luck!

  17. Hamster.  The teddy bear hamsters are really cute!  My friend used to wash his to make them smell better, and change the bedding all the time. For bedding ideas check out a previous post on the topic :

    What ever bedding you get ,i'd put the emphasis on Change the Bedding All the Time.

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