
What should i get a dog or a rabbit?

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if i would get a dog it would be a shih tzu and the type of rabbit i would get would be a lion head




  1. you have to ask the question to yourself ''do I like dogs or rabbits more?''  ''will I have time for a dog because it is a big responsibility and a rabbit to?''  ''will I enjoy a rabbit or dog?''  ''should I get both?''  and then if you said dogs for 1 question yes for 2 question and dog for 3 question then you should get a dog visa verse you should get a rabbit but if you said yes for the 4 question then you should get both  

  2. well it depends entirely on what your looking for in an animal if you want;

    a companion

    a loyal friend


    go for a dog

    However if your looking for;

    something to hold and just have

    a rabbits for you!!

  3. A dog. Rabbits are great, but I personally like dogs better. I think they are more interactive and have more personality. Plus, they live longer. =)

  4. a rabbit is fun, but dogs are can play rough with them (instead of just watching them jump around) and they can sleep in your bed without you worrying about crushing them (unless its a small-sized dog)

  5. it depends on how much you're willing to spend with the animal. dogs need a lot of attention and they constantly need to be taken outside. rabbits have everything they need in one place and they can be affectionate, but dont require constant attention. also, a rabbit will most likely end up being more costly than the dog because it would needs food, water bottle(s), bottle cleaner, litter, cage, etc.

  6. you should get both

  7. They're both a lot of work.

    Dogs require time outside to play and be walked, restroom breaks through the day, tons of toys, training, and a ton of attention all day.

    Rabbits need time outside of the cage, training, tons of toys, and constant attention to make sure they're safe, happy, and not eating your furniture.

  8. DOG


    Very interactive

    Has personality



    You can leave them in a dog hotel if you're going for a vacation and                   not feel guilty about it

    They're very loyal

    Very protective

    And most probably will not chew on your furniture.


    Need a lot of attention

    Need a lot of stimulation

    Need there fur brushed almost everyday

    You need to bathe them every two to three months

    They need to go for a walk at least two to three times a day (and trust me when a dog wakes you up at 3 am to go for a walk, its very annoying)

    They need constant vaccination ( which can be very expensive)

    They shed a lot of fur

    They require training (which requires a lot of patience)



    Very cuddly and cute

    They don't require a lot of attention

    Very clean animals

    You'll never have to brush them (unless you get an English Angora)

    You don't have to bathe them(just a lil nail clipping)

    They can be litter trained

    They're happy in there lil cage

    They don't need a lot of stimulation

    They don't need vaccinations

    They don't need regular doctors check ups


    There urine smells bad

    When in heat they can be very aggressive

    Will chew on your furniture

    You need to rabbit proof your apartment/house

    Cage needs cleaning every week

    You cannot leave them unattended outside of the cage

    Not very interactive

    You have to be very careful when you pick them up (esp. if you have kids in the house)

    Ultimately it comes down to how much time and money you're willing to spend on an animal

    A dog (if you buy a purebred) will be very expensive (I once saw purebred German Shepard Dog for 3500$)

    A rabbit can cost you anywhere from 20$ to 1000$

    But a dogs vaccines and shampoo's and doctors visits cost a lot more over the lifetime!

    Most expensive for a rabbit is food, coz they need fresh vegetables, pellets and a lot of toys.

    Unlike what most people say, you can take your lil bunny out for a walk  with a harness!

    Its ultimately your call, depending upon the time and money you wanna spend on a pet, contrary to what people say, dogs are more expensive and require more attention than rabbits, but they are more interactive and playful.

    In my experience rabbits are very similar to cats in there behavior and temperament and well dogs are dogs!

  9. You should decide which animal you would be able to care for more, a rabbit doesn't need that much attention compared to a dog. You can find online quizzes to see if you are ready for a dog. Remember, don't just decide you want a animal because it's cute and cuddly you have to take care of it for the rest of its life.

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