
What should i get for lunch? My options are..?

by  |  earlier

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Subway (had 3 times this week, sorta tired of it)


Dallas BBQ's




  1. get pizza, its the american food!

  2. Chipotle

  3. chipotle!

  4. I would say pizza it's one of my favorite foods (i'm just giving you my opinion i really don't mind what u choose)

  5. pizza


  6. Chipotle, yummy!

    I say that because my grandma is making her fabulous grilled tilapia fish tacos for lunch, mmm to die for!!! =]

  7. IHOP (:

  8. get a monster burger @ ihop....their delicous!

    oh well your choice is cool.....maggots have alot of protein!!

  9. Chipotle!  yay for burritos! :)

  10. I'm a southern girl so I would choose BBQ!

    Hope you find your appetite!!   : )

  11. Dallas BBQ's

  12. pizza or bbq

  13. Well if you're tired of Subway don't eat there! But I'd probably go for BBQ (messy but yummy) or even Ihop. And ha ha, leftovers sounds good! Who knows what other ingredient can be found! Yummy!

  14. Go to IHOP and get a big stack of chocolate chip pancakes Extra Whip Cream Please!

  15. Subway is definitely the best for you! Maybe switch it up a bit, get a different sandwich! (cant go wrong with the $5 footlongs!) lol

  16. dallas bbqs sounds really good with some fries

  17. PIZZA is a must!

  18. IHOP, best variety.

    you can never go wrong at chipotle, though.

  19. IHOP

  20. chipotle!!

  21. Get yourself a nice Chipotle burrito!

  22. Dallas BBQ

  23. Pizza

  24. BBQ

  25. Pizza!!!

  26. My personal decision would be IHOP or pizza. Other then that... Chipolte.

      Hope that helped :)

  27. Go to Chipotle and get a big wicked burrito.

  28. subway =] probably the cheapest too

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