
What should i get for my b day

by Guest62828  |  earlier

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my mum said that i could have a wii or ps3 but i like them both ps3 has blu ray and graphics the wii has exercise and a favorite game tht i like i will think about the console that is most comment on i might get the wii but im not sure




  1. it depends on what type of gamer you are. If you are a more mature gamer get the ps3. but if you're a more kiddie gamer get the wii

    i myself would get a ps3

  2. both ask mom and grandma

  3. If I were you, don't get anything for your birthday and just save the money for your future use.

  4. I have a ps3 and its great. IMO the wii is sort of childish, and my favorite game series is on the wii(zelda) but I like the ps3 better because of graphics, and good choice the two systems run itno like 0 problems.360 is good to I have one but it breaks to easily(no problems so far)

    my final answer ps3

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