
What should i get for my girlfriend for her birthday? Shes a goth and i'm not really sure what to get?

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We'll only have been together a week when its her birthday but i really like her and want to get her something special. Are there any goth girls that can give me advice? or just anyone. Lol i'm kinda stuck for ideas. I'd really appreciate it.




  1. Get her a CD of her favourite music. Or get her some make up. I don't know what else.

  2. just treat her as a normal person, but rember, nothing too colourfull!!!

  3. maybe a voucher or cash?  

  4. You could always ask her.

  5. im not a goth but you should gether some sort of silver jewellery with your nick names engraved on it or something..... good luck :)


    try this website lots of nice stuff!

  7. The New Nightmare Before Christmas just came out.

    Maybe a CD by her favorite band.

    Or you could always get her some eyeliner, hair dye, black lipstick...(we always need more of that)

    Or just take her out for dinner and movie and have a good time, material items don't mean everything.

    Get her some flowers and ask her if she would like to come over for dinner and watch a movie at your place. Cheap and effective.

  8. Some black socks. lol

  9. You could just give her some money and she can get what she wants.

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