
What should i get my Best friend for her birthday?

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My best mate is turning 14 on thursday. I really don't know what to buy her. In the past years i have bought her practically the whole disney store. She loves f.r.i.e.n.d.s (tv show), jonas brothers, one tree hill, she isn't a girly girl so jewelrey and make-up is not really a good present for her. She's not a big tom boy. She loves everything from america. I have no idea what to get her, i'm willing to spend up to £25, i want it to be something special. But i don't want to make her a scrap book because i'm making her a card, so it's kind of gunna be like a scrap book. Help ?




  1. Try to get her something that will be special between you too. Maybe if you two have been somewhere and you recall a memory try and get her something that represents your friendship.  

  2. OK. You could buy the following things 4 her-

    1) A Gift Card From Her Favourite Store

    2) Go On Ebay Or Something And Purchase A Signed Picture Of One Of Her Favourite Stars/Shows

    3) A Photo Frame With A Picture Of You 2 In It

    4) Online Birthday card (FREE)

    5) American Cheese LOL

    6) Jonas Brothers Album

    7) Friends DVD Set

    8) One Tree Hill DVD Set

    Good Luck!!!

  3. you could get her the new jonas cd

    a little bit longer

    because i know 'jonas brothers' just got released in the UK

    so that would be nice

    (a little bit longer)

    even though she prolly already has it... ''/

  4. Ceramics! i just went with one of my friends for her birthday to go paint pottery! it was cheap and FUN! you pick out your favorite pottery thingy. Theres diffrent things to paint like...Letters, plates, shoes,flowers, penguins, cell phones..anything u could think of! i chose a penguin. It turned out really cute!! if you cant take her with you, then go by yourself and make one for her. Im sure she would love it because it came from your heart. So look up online if theres a pottery place or a ceramics place where u can go.

    Hope i helped

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