
What should i get my HS band teachers when i visit them?

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I'm going to visit my band teachers from high school. What kind of gifts should i get them??

Do you know where i could get these gifts?




  1. Connie-

    I think the advice by (I hope I have this right) Suthern Yankees is quite solid.  I used to play in HS bands (and beyond, but as a different instrument), and before I took off for college (the first time) I revisited 3 of my former instructors - all the way back to Jr. High. They were elated that I remembered them, and I believe that the greatest gift they received was my conveying to them the influence that they had on me.  I think that that is rather global regarding ANY instructor that you have had in the past. Gifts are just material, but your thoughtfulness can never be equaled.  GSH.

  2. There is no need for a gift it may embarrass the teacher and also most teachers would really like a sincere thank you as a reward.

  3. What's the occasion for the gift?  I always welcome visits from former students (after our school has dismissed at the end of the day).  They are not permitted to visit during instructional time.  I always simply enjoy hearing what they are doing and where they plan to go in life.  Occasionally they invite me to a sporting event or dramatic production, BUT I would never expect a gift.  

    The thought that you thought enough to stop by would mean more than any monetary gift, I bet!

  4. my question would be WHY? I'm an old band man, and just seeing the kids is pretty warming and gratifying. That you come back says alot to them. Don't worry about gifts. HOWEVER, if you are set on doing it, the SIMPLIEST is an gift card to a store they like. Do it because they were an INFLUENCE in your life, not for "grins and smiles, giggles and laughs". That will mean more to them. A card with a personal note is always good.

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