
What should i get my mom for her birthday?

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hmm...well im not sure what to get my mom 4 her birthday its in a couple of days...any ideas..suggestions... :]




  1. Whatever it is, it has to come from the heart. Think of something personal; not just a store bought item. I suggest making a sweet card by hand with your own personalized message. Then get a nice bouqet of flowers and a gift certificicate to a nice resteraunt. This doesn't cost much, and yet will make your mother smile. Don't forget to give her a tight hug and kiss on the cheek when you give it to her, and say a genuine "I love you." She'll be absolutely delighted.

  2. Well what does she like? For example if she likes to read try to find out what books she likes or wants. Or you could never go wrong with a gift card. So get her a gift card to a store she really likes! Or you could just ask her what she wants and then get it for her! Hope this helps!

  3. well it depend on old ur mom is  

  4. make her a poem my mom loved wen i did dat  

  5. moms like those bath sets and my mom loves the nora roberts books if she likes to read you should look at that. flowers,movies,candles,cook her dinner or take her out that also good hope this helps

  6. I'm sure she would like to spend more time with you, so if you live in the same area, buy her something that you can do together -- manicure, facials, movie tickets, theater tickets, etc.  If you don't live nearby, maybe a surprise visit would be nice?  I know my mom always prefers these types of gifts.

  7. a flower and maby make some food or get some tickets to somewhere

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