
What should i get not big ?

by  |  earlier

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not a dog or cat little anything and how much




  1. you should get a rat. they're clean, smart, and great compainioans (ignore the tail)

  2. a bunny. They are cute and cuddly and they can be litter trained. Just cover all cords or anything else chewable so it can't chew on them :)  

  3. a hamster or bunny.

    I recommend hamster if

    you do not have much time

    if you work etc because they

    will be sleep all day. you

    will need about 75 dollars

    for a hamster in all including

    the hamster.

    for a bunny im suggesting you

    save up to 150 dollars.

  4. You should get a hamster. They are very cool animals. They are lots of types you can get too!

  5. -Rats. They are great to have!



    -Bunnies. Would highly suggest. They are awesome companions and they are CUTE. If you care for them right, you will become best buds, and have a great relationship.

    -Guinea Pigs

    Whatever you decide to buy, borrow a book from the library on how to take care of him/her.

    Also, adopt him/her from the animal shelter. Pet stores such as PetSmart are cruel and supourt puppy mills.

  6. I got two hamsters, a boy and a girl, and they were so easy and fun! they would have babies often, and about every month or so we would take some to the pet store to sell. Its fun to see the babies grow and become older and there so low maintenance!

  7. Dwarf Hammies are about 8 bucks canadian in my town, same with gerbils and regular hammies....

    Rats are really good pets and are easy to care for, the males tend to smell a little more then females, as do mice...

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