
What should i get ???

by  |  earlier

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i am deciding if i wanna get a hamster, rabbit, or guinea pig. i need some advice on which ones are more well behaved , esier to take care of and cheaper of course . i just went to petsmart today and a dwarf hamster is $9. and a guinea pig is $39 . does anybody know how much a rabbit would be at petsmart . well need some advice . thnks ! :)




  1. WHAT IS IT WITH PEOPLE AND BREEDERS!!!! I breed rabbits, so that makes me a horrid person? I don't think so!! I don't abuse my rabbits and I only breed my does once a year!! I show all my rabbits, and frankly people where do you think rescues get the rabbits....the big bunny machine in the sky!!! Ummmm... Yea Ok...  I don't sell to pet stores, meat plants, or fur traders. So what makes me so bad. Dumb people...

    I would get a rabbit Great pets. Hamsters die really fast.


  3. ok becarefull for worms and all that stuff make sure you carefully puck one that dose not look sick .... a guinea pig is more of a pet that lays around but you can hold them but then u need to clip there nails if you dont have somesort of sharpener in there cage.but make exelant buddies to cuddle with

    dwarf hamsters are fun to watch run in tubes and you can hold them and play with them in closed off areas

    and rabbits you can hold them but that is about it for a pet they also make goob buddies if you want someone to cuddle

  4. The most inexpensive would probably be the hamster.

    But then you have to buy a cage, food, and bedding every month or so. (Or you could just use newspaper.)

    Make sure you're up to cleaning a cage, though. All of the types of pets you want will stink horribly. ;D

  5. A rabbit would be best as a companion and a practical pet, one that is large enough to actually be a good pet,but they are kind of expensive, youcan adopt they are usually already fixed and are about 30-65 and 200  in supplies. a hamster would;d be too small and a guinea pig is small and big at the same time. they are great medium sized pet in price, food, space.

  6. Rabbit prices vary depending on where you live. But if you are running on a budget, a rabbit is not for you. Rabbits are very costly, hamsters and "fur pigs" are a lot less and easier to mantain. Don't think that makes them less fun, just a lot more work. Honestly, you can't lose they all make great pets.

    Oh and if you decide to get a rabbit, you can find a shelter in your local area and get a rabbit not only cheaply, but you help the rabbit community! Breeders are horrible for the rabbit community due to rabbit overpopulation.
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