
What should i have 4 breakfast? any ideas?

by  |  earlier

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in case u think im lazy only getting breakfast now ive been up since 5.45 just havent got round to getting it yet!!




  1. honey on toast lol, Susie

  2. one of my favourite breakfasts is philadelphia and salami on toast with juice and coffee, or croissants and fresh coffee

  3. Its a bit late for breakfast - some of us get up in the MORNING not half way through the day and I'm now thinking about and preparing lunch - but since you asked - then full english - eggs, bacon, mushrooms, sausage, fried slice, black pudding, baked beans & chips, toast and coffee.

  4. Cereal.


    fried egg, beans and toast.

    Wish I'd eaten this morning :(

  5. yummy, how about some Strawberry waffles with Whipped cream mmmmmmmmm


  7. have what I am having...a snicker bar and diet coke.

  8. instant oatmeal.

  9. ham,sausages,egg and bread with a blended cup of fruit juice



  10. Have a good talk to your fridge...mine said this morning: sorry, no eggs, no bacon, just butter and apricot jam...and the tea is nearly finished too...hope you're better off...

  11. have a toasted panini with scrambled eggs, bacon and mushrooms.

  12. 4 cups of tea

  13. hi there, try Porridge, with soya or normal milk,a teaspoon of white sugar with banana and/or grapes. Have a lovely breakfast!

  14. Try doing the weetabix week!!

  15. I've just had a cup of tea and a huge slice of cherry Madeira cake - delicious and it's set me up for the day.

  16. Cheerios w/ beer

  17. me

  18. Buckfast

  19. if you mean day-to-day basis, it will depend on what kind of diet are you following.

    if you're referring like it's for a special occasion, then you must select a theme before you consider you're menu.

    anyways, breakfast ideally should be heavy.

  20. Depends on your lifestyle and what your going to do that day.

    Lazy couch potato going to an office job  -

    Fresh fruit juice, muesli, tomato or a banana.

    Couple of squash games a week, office job -

    Fried egg and ham, bowl of soup macaroni (just chicken stock and spice), fruit juice and coffee.

    Squaddie,  Mountain Rescue or Wildlife Researcher -

    Ladle of baked beans, 2 eggs, 3 sausages, 2 pieces of toast, Mug of tea, and as much fruit, fruit juice or milk as you can get in the camp canteen.

  21. Sugaplum today feels like a croissant type of day

  22. porridge

  23. Kippers

  24. A berry and banana smoothie

  25. I Think You Should Have Sausages ,Egg And Toast For Breakfast

  26. Curry

  27. Might I suggest a large helping of arsenic? That way, we won't have to put up with any more silly questions from somebody who doesn't have the nous to ask a REAL question

  28. ~ pancakes

    ~ cereal

    ~ bacon

    ~ waffles

    ~ fruits


  29. full english fry up!!

  30. eggs bacon hashbrowns juice pancakes

  31. you kinda just wasted 5 points. lol i think you should have cereal.

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