
What should i have for breakfast?

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What should i have for breakfast?




  1. cereal

  2. Stuffed french toast

  3. Food. Food is good.

  4. food

  5. An Omelet.=)

  6. whole wheat cereal with dried fruit and milk or yogurt with sliced fruit and honey.

    oh, and almost forgot, watermelon is great too! if you eat it cold its amazing since its sweet, easy on your diegestion system in the morning and loaded with not-too-rich juice. youll feel reall good after a nice bowl of sliced watermelon.

  7. anything you want, I like cereal, eggs, waffles, sausage biscuits, doughnuts. To be honest, I think you just wasted 5 points.

  8. Sprouts.  

  9. oatmeal and soy milk.

  10. well mostly when I am hungry and i want breakfast I go and eat some   Breakfast.

  11. You can never go wrong with a fruit smoothie!

  12. Scrambled eggs with onions, tomatoes, and hot sauce; and oatmeal with a little peanut butter and honey mixed in.  Breakfast of champions.

  13. huge bowl of cereal :D

  14. Waffles and strawberries yum!

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