
What should i have for dinner tonight? I have only $8.70!?

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What should i have for dinner tonight? I have only $8.70!?




  1. McDonald's dollar menu or chinese take out.

  2. Subway still has some of their 5-dollar footlongs...even with a drink and chips, it'll be under 8.70.  You can get a filling meal at any fast food place for that price.

  3. No idea how much that is in £'s but id get a mcdonalds

  4. You can get some strips of beef (fajita style) at your grocery store, possibly reduced for quick sale. Buy an onion, bell pepper, and stir fry it all. You can get a packet of instant rice from uncle Ben's for about .99.


    You can buy a steak, 1 potato (baked potato), and an ear of corn.

  5. Go to the grocery store and bargain shop. You can get a bag of potaoes, a head of lettuce and some reduced for quick sale pork or chicken I'm sure.

  6. Hot dogs, with a salad.


    A frozen pizza

    You would be amazed how you can get a good meal at a grocery store for $8.70.

    A nice piece of chicken with veggies.....Your options are endless.

  7. You can eat from almost any fast food place for less than $8.70. Or to the grocery store, buy a one pound package of your favorite pasta. If you buy store brand it should be around a $1.00, maybe less. Buy a jar of the cheapest sauce. I've bought Hunt's for 99 cents. A bag of pre-packaged salad, a loaf of Italian bread. You should even have a couple dollars left. You'll have leftovers for another night.

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