
What should i have memorized before basic ARMY?

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I leave for ft leonard in two weeks what should i memorize before i go? anything else i should know?




  1. ft leonardwood is a beautiful base. You should definatley know your ranks and probably the army creed. but most of the stuff you will learn right there. and its not so bad my husband went over easter and they went bowling and to a movie and went all the way down to st louis for a fight night. and you will only share a room with a couple people but you will be getting up really early in the am like 430 and you will run ALOT but yeah hope you have a good time.

  2. Those other replies are pretty good.  Just remember, the Army's been training top-notch soldiers for several centuries.  You'll get hollered at by your drill sergeant from time to time, but he wants you to learn to think of your unit and its mission before yourself, and this is one of the ways to achieve that.  The Army has made a big investment in you and they want you to succeed.  Take it in good spirits.  The day you finish Basic will be one of the proudest of your life.  

  3. Fort Lost in the woods. Have a blast enjoy yourself, remember your doing this for the good. The more you miss family and friends the more unhappy your going to be. Hope you like running your gonna do a lot of it. Rank, Soldiers Creed, and Soldier values. Have that down and you'll have more time to focus on something else.

  4. I just got done with BCT last week. Here are a few things I would recommend:

    The 7 army Values

    The Soldier's Creed

    Enlisted/Officer rank insignia

    These three things will be stressed during your time at basic especially during the first three weeks (Red Phase).  

  5. Cool beans ... I went to Ft. Leonardwood  =)

    Rank Structure ... you'll get dropped for calling someone the wrong rank ...

    The Soldiers Creed ... it's always good to get a head start, you'll be given a small book and have to read it 24/7. You'll be reciting the creed even after BCT and AIT ...

    It's no longer 'boys' or 'girls' ... it's either 'male' or 'female.' You'll be up from 4 am to 8 pm ... from 8-9 pm, you'll get personal time (shower, write letters, etc.). Be ready to work as a team/platoon ... if one person messes up, you all mess up, so you all get punished.

    Other than that, I loved BCT! And if you're the outdoorsy type, you'll like it too! Good luck!

  6. I went to Basic at Leonard Wood and it's one of those BCTs that is still "under the radar" so they get away with tougher more stringent treatment of recruits in compasion to units at Fort Jackson let's say.  As for what you should know prior, I would memorize:

    - general guard orders

    - rank structure

    - warrior ethos/soldier's creed

    If you have those down prior to arrival, things will run much more smoothly for you. Good luck.

  7. Knowing your social security number will help - you will be giving it constantly.

    Aside from that, the rank structure would help but you will learn that fairly quick at the beginning.  Would recommend that you get yourself more physically ready to handle it then mental - the knowledge part will come quick.

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