
What should i know about Madrid?

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I'm leaving to Madrid this Sunday for school. I'm so excited about it, and I’m kind of worrying at the same time...Any advices for me? What do I have to know before going to Madrid? What can I expect of Spain? Just write anything I think might be helpful.

Thanks a lot :-)




  1. i'm form madrid but now i'm living in london for 3 months and i miss madrid. it is a very beautiful city and the weather is much better than the north of europe. i recommend you

  2. You should try to become familiar with the language.  However, some people there will not like an accent that is not from Madrid.  Madrid is a huge, beautiful city.  The Metro there is great.  There are stops at the most 15 minute walking distance from any point.  The Metro is very easy to learn.  Get a map and hold onto it.  You should not have troubles with getting lost.  Great restaurants.  Lots of outside terrazas.  Arabia was my favorite.  The streets are very crowded, a lot of cars.  Lots of homeless people.  It does not get dark until after 10pm.  People there don't usually go out at night until almost midnight, and stay out until early morning hours.  They go from bar to bar to club, they do not go to one spot and remain there the rest of the night.  Try to go to Valencia, it's a nice laidback city northeast of Madrid.  Train tickets are very reasonable.  You'll have a lot of fun.  Spain is wonderful.

  3. Spanish is the native language.  Unlike immigrants to our country, you should learn the language if you intend to spend much time there.

  4. Well I'm Spanish,

    First, prepare yourself to be hot, now we have a cold front from Greenland, but this weekend the temperatures is supposed they will grow up.  

    Of course take care of your bag, money, camera, cell phone, etc... It's a secure country but by now we have a lot of immigration and we're having some problems with some of them...

    Try to learn some basics of Spanish, because most people don't speak English... or buy a conversation guide...

    About what to visit, you may go to a tourist information point (don't worry, the have to speak English to work there).

    Well I hope you enjoy in Madrid...

  5. Congrats!  You'll have a great time in Madrid.  Make sure you check out the city and its sites -- the art museums, the Royal Palace, El Corte Ingles (great store), El Rastro (open air market on Sundays -- be careful for pickpockets) and Santiago Bernabeau (Real Madrid stadium) to name a few.  Take advantage of public transportation, especially the metro and the trains to other cities, but be careful for pickpockets on the metro.  If you are there to brush up on your Spanish, talk to everyone in Spanish.  You will improve your spoken Spanish, and people will respect you more because you actually make an effort to speak their language.   Get a cheap pay-as-you-go cellphone to communicate with people in Madrid and those back home (my parents used a phone card here to call my cell, which was an Amena phone).  Don't eat at McDonald's -- Spanish food is the best!  Do everything you can and enjoy yourself -- it goes fast!

  6. I travel to Spain in this summer in Madrid has good weather and hot , it has nice water for summer and nice beach .

    People in Madrid is different by people in North Europa .they have dark hair and green eyes.or brown that i think nice and also..

  7. Madrid is WONDERFUL!  Me encanta Espana!  I spent a summer there 4 years ago.  Madrid is kind of like NYC but not as crowded and dirty.  The best way to learn where things are in the city is to know the Metro rail system.  You can pick up a little red map at any subway station.  People refer to different areas in Madrid by the stations.  I was only in Madrid for 1 month and I got to know that city inside out.

    The ONLY negative I found when I was in Spain is that 90% of the people smoke.  And, I mean everywhere!  80% of the places do NOT have air conditioning, but since you're going now it may not be as hot.

    Also, watch for pickpocketers in Madrid!  Do NOT carry a backpack, or anything on your back where you can't see it.  Carry a messenger or shoulder bag.  Gypsies and other people there are slick!  Look alert and like you know what you're doing.  They can spot tourists and foreigners easily.

    And, I know you're going for school, but really try and take advantage of the rest of the country on your weekends and holidays.  Northern, Southern, and Eastern Spain are so different culturally, and it's very interesting to see.

    Buena suerte and have a good time!  I wish I was you!

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