
What should i know abt hamsters?

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okay. the last tim i got hamsters, i read abt them & all; but i 4gt everything!

all i know is:

~i shouldn't put them in direct sunlight

~ & tht their teeth never stop growin (i should put wood chews in the cage)

i'm worried abt the piano though.

okay, my parents had the piano moved from the lvin room 2 the family room. now its really close 2 my room & u could hear it really well. im planin 2 get two hamsters & putin their cage in my room. would it bother them?

i could mak the sound less loud, but tht would mean keepin my door closed & the windows. should i? it would make my room a lil hotter. would it matter though? i got 3 bunny rabbits outside in the backyard & i know they're suppose 2 stay cool. do hamsters? cuz if they do, i could always turn the ac on.




  1. i had two hamster before..but they died few years ago(...sad...)..i kept them outside my house..but i never expose them to sunlight..i gave them sunflower seed..and i put wood chews in the cage..

    i took them to my room and put them inside their exercise ball so they can walk wherever they like..they are so funny..hamster need to keeps them healthy....keep your hamster in a room temperature is okay..

    The hamster's sense of hearing is so keen that they can often be seen to freeze when they hear unfamiliar sounds or noises. Therefore, they should be kept away from loud noises, especially when they are transported outside the home. So, i think u should put your hamster away from the piano...have a nice life with your hamster!!! i LOVE hamster...

    here's a website that might help u a lot...

  2. they only have a lifespan of 2 years i quit getting hamsters cuz they don't live long and it breaks my heart when they die

  3. -The noise will bother them as Hamsters are nocturnal.

    -Hamsters need lots of exercise.

    -Do not squeeze or drop your hamster.

    -Do not put your hamster in a wire cage, they will escape. Keep them in a ten gallon aquarium.


    Need anything just ask I have owned several hamsters over the years.

  4. they are cute! and they could bite

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