
What should i know before i start jogging?

by  |  earlier

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turning 40 in a couple months and i'm getting tired of being sick and tired and i decided i'm going to start jogging every day and i'm going to ride a mountain bike to where i jog. i have my own weights i can train with but i havent worked out in awhile. how should i go about starting out and any good tips? i have running shoes. i already know where i want to jog.




  1. Okay, well you want to do your weightlifting before you go running if you are lifting weights that day. ALWAYS eat something about 30-45 minutes before a workout. The best things to eat would be some fruit like a banana and some complex carbs like wheat toast, bagels, oatmeal(very good) or something like that with protein. I think you should start out slow and gradually do more throughout the week. Make sure not to workout every single day, because your body needs to recover too. As for people jogging at night, I'm not sure. In my city that's actually when I do see people jogging. How do you stay motivated? It's just going to have to be pure willpower. Set a goal and just aim high to obtain it. Stretching--dont stretch before a  workout. You should lift weights before you run as after you run you will be too tired. So start by lifting weights. After that, then stretch. This will stretch out your muscles and form tears that your muscles will form new muscle. It's proven that stretching before does nothing, if anything lessens your ability to lift. (If you aren't lifting that day, then stretch before running though). Jogging everyday...I'd say nobody should workout everyday, but at least get like 15-20 minutes of stretching and light exercise everyday. It all depends on how you're feeling after your first jog. Until you get used to it, you may not be able to jog everyday. Any more q's just email me :D.

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