
What should i line my rabbits litter box with, and what should i line her cage with?

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What should i line my rabbits litter box with, and what should i line her cage with?




  1. I put newspaper in the bottom, then wood pellet litter on top.

    For the rest of the cage, I use blankets.  

  2. Aspen wood shavings or Carefresh are the best. Don't use cedar shavings, which have oils that can harm animals.

  3. i suggest since used to own a rabbit , hemp bedding, their like shavings that actaully work better then the regular kinds because they are safer for the rabbits, the enviroment and they absorbs the pee reall well so it doesnt sink through staine the bottom of the cage. But u must remember to change the cage like every week so the rabbit doesnt go in the same spot and pee on an already wet area , then it will sink through and staine cause theres to much for it to hold ;)

  4. well saw dust works well with the litter but aspen wood shavings works with the cage

  5. one layer of newspaper then on top a layer of carefresh.

    rest should just be carefresh or towels

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