
What should i look for in a bearded dragon?

by  |  earlier

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im am wordering what i should look for when buying a bearded dragon. also, any tips about bearded dragon care i should know?




  1. i agree with the first answer, you want a beardie that is alert, it shows that at first sight he is healthy, but when you pick him up make sure that he doesnt have any missing pieces or if he puffs up cuz that can cause some trouble too. well hope you find the right one and good luck

  2. you need to look for an alert juvinial that runs sometimes even if it runs away from the hand. ask the petstore/ breeder where they

    recieve them from, ask for a feeding deminstation, to make sure the beardie will  eat . ask other's who have purchased from there, and check to see what they have gotten from there animals good luck check the toes some may have been niped by the others, NEVER BY a LETHARGIC LIZARD LISTEN TO THIS AND  -enjoy the lizard

  3. Buying any lizard has a few simple rules to follow. The first and possibly the most important one is to learn as much as you possibly can BEFORE taking the leap and buying any animal. It is not fair to buy a living thing and then find out you can't afford to house it or feed it properly, or it gets too big etc. Avoid that last minute "Ooh, that's cute - I'll have that one" at all costs.

    Do NOT take one sellers opinion only, get several and compare. A good, reputable dealer will give you tons of advice AND - if they are truly interested in their animals - will give you tons of after sale advice any time. Be prepared to pay a little more for that kind of advice, rather than pay less at a regular pet shop and end up asking questions later they can't answer!!

    Take a good look at the living area the lizard is housed in too. then, are you ready for this?

    eyes shouldn't be too deep set into the head

    check for external parasites

    end of tail and thighs should be muscular

    no overly prominent bones should show (ribs, vertebrae)

    Take LOADS of time observing  before you choose and pick one only during their active time. Your lizard should be wide eyed and alert. If disturbed it should flee or go into a defensive mode.

    Again - get as much information by as many people as possible (sellers / owners / dealers) and be certain you are in a position to care for the animal you take, it's life depends on your ability to provide the right care for it.

  4. Ask to hold it, if they don't let you--leave. You need to look for signs of dehydration and malnourishment, which are sunken in eyes, very skinny, the skin hangs.  Turn him over look at the cloaca, does it look like anything is hanging from it, does it look swollen? Does he have little red spots on him, those could be mites. In all honesty I found that if the lizard tries to bite you, it's a good sign.  Look at him compare what you see to others in the same tank, if they all look similar it's a good sign.  Ask when they ate last, how have they been eating, how long in the store, how old if they know.  Good luck.

  5. You want to look for a beardie that is alert, has bright eyes, basks with his head up and is active. You should ask to see them feed and choose one with a great feeding response. Check the fingers and toes and the end of the tail. Make sure that if there is any pieces missing, that it is healed and healthy looking, and not black or swollen. Good Luck

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