
What should i major in if after college, i want to start my own business?

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-My father owns a business-its a mechanic shop. We have 2 shops in two different cities. He just created 'Hacker Trucking' which involves dump trucks on the side to bring in more money. He never went to college.

-Friend of mine dad owns a roofing company-he hires people to do work.

I want to own my own business-such as these examples. I want to create and start when i get out of college. What are the necessary courses (major and/or minor) that i should study in college to be adequately prepared?




  1. Business or Management

    Those degrees will be applicable to any career path you choose!

  2. entrepreneurship.

  3. hello - good for you - those are great examples so you have a solid idea of your goal.  that always helps.  i agree with the other two suggestions, entrepreneurship and business/management courses.  

    id take a finance and accounting 101 course of some sort, and frankly i would sit with your father and friend and ask them some very structured questions along the lines of:

    When you started your business what did you wish someone had told you?

    What was the biggest challenge you faced in the first 6 months?  12 months?  24 months?

    how did you learn to hire and fire people?  what were the traits you looked for in employees?  how much did you put up with before you fire someone?

    what was your biggest management (of people) challenge?

    whatever other questions you can think of.  If you can learn from them you should, and I'm sure there were times they thought "if only someone had told me this..."

    etc etc,

    good luck!

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