
What should i make my boyfriend?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 17 and my boyfriend is 18, every year for his birthday and our anniversary i make him something simple. First year i made a birthday card that he hung on his wall, for our two years i wrote down on off white hard paper everything i like about him. Another year i printed out a picture of us and got him a frame for it. He's in the marines and doesn't have a lot of space to put anything big. I have no idea waht to make him this time. every idea i get seems to not work.




  1. Take a ton of pictures with him, then make a lil collage! That would be really cute!

  2. y dont u make him a little scrap book of ur guys pictures??? make it all nice and cute with stickers and stuff..

  3. He is in the Marines, maybe you could make him a good luck charm of some kind. Like a keyring or even just a friendship braclet.

  4. how about a hug a kiss and some s*x haha

  5. You should make him get out of the navy and visit you!  

  6. make a cardboard box, decorate it beautifully

    make one slightly smaller, decorate that again

    and another one smaller than that

    and one even smaller than that

    etc. etc

    in the final, small box, put a jeweled heart you bought at a c moores or something

    aith a note or a card that says

    "I tried putting my heart in a box, but I couldnt find one big enough"


  7. you could write a story of when you guys first met and it'llsound familiar to him and it just might make him tear

    trust me itll work

  8. I like the collage idea-include pics with memorabilia such as movie stubs,etc,maps, of places you have been this year. You can do this in the form of a book or a big frame that can be placed on the wall. I also love the goodluck charm idea.!

  9. relax

    close ur eyes

    think what he likes

    what makes smile on his face

    .....and get such  thing that should also make him remember u always

  10. Okay you should make him an "I love" Jar or a Box whichever you can make. Decorate the Jar or a Box and on the outside write a message.

    Something that goes like this: ( you dont have to use this exactly)

    When you're missing me and times are hard, pull out a slip of paper and it'll remind you of what I love about you.

    just cut up a bunch of little pieces of paper and write...things like..... your eyes, your smile, the way you look at me...etc. add your inside jokes and moments you've at together

    oh the outside you should put I LOVE... on it and  everytime he takes it out it'll be like you telling him how much you love his eyes or his smile.

    I hope I helped! You should really do it, its such a good thing to have when you're far from each other.  

  11. Ask him to give you a pair of his basic issue boxer shorts.  Then hit the sewing machine and doll 'em up with everything you can think of, then send them back to him.  Every time he wears them, he won't be able to not think about you.  I wear bluejean bibs alot, and a couple of years ago, my wife took a pair, and all kinds of different thread, and made a bunch of patches and corn stalks that went form the pant cuffs all the way up to the shoulders straps.  

    Find a couple of pics of you two as toddlers...put them into a pic program and put them both together...Then 8x10 it and frame it.  That's assuming you two didn't know each other as babies and don't already have a pic of you two together like that.  The next time you accidently cut yourself...take a toothpic and write both your names in blood on the bottom of a piece of notebook paper...and then when the mood strikes ya, write a letter in the open space above it.

    Cut a lock of your hair and glue it to the top of a pencil...around the eraser, or just glue it into a birthday or anniversary card.

    Ink the bottom of your foot and make a footprint inside a card.

    Get one of those digital 60 second matchbook size recorders...and give him 60 seconds worth of something he'd like to listen to over and over and over again...  something he'd be proud to let his buddies listen to too.

    Every marine drinks coffee just about.  Have a mug imprinted with a picture of you wearing (you fill in this space).

    I tried to do things off the wall dear... best of luck to you... and happy anniversary...!

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