
What should i name my baby girl? (due nov.21!)

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we've thought of several names so far but would like more ideas

(ideas that have nothing to do with sci-fi characters! her daddy wanted to name her "Leelu" from The Fifth Element!)

something classy/slightly old fashioned and/or hippie/nature sounding

middle name can be especially unique but not crazy wierd

OR: choose which of my ideas you like best-









emma leigh





  1. lila marleena

    sophia rose

    leighla marie

    azalea lynn

    jasmine lily

    lola daisy

    dalilah jewel

    elizabeth leann

    renee' riley

  2. victoria = Reminds me of Victoria's Secret, and that's bad. I also sorta have a prejudice against this name... I know a girl named Victoria and she's in the Resource Room (a room where kids can get help on their work and have their homework load smaller legally. They get help on all of their tests. And sometimes they don't even have to do the tests for their worst WORST subject!) for ALL of her classes! She even told me that! I asked her, "What are we doing for English?" and she said, "I don't go to the classrooms any more." She doesn't even have to do the warm-ups for Gym, which makes me really mad. Now I'm trying my best not to be rude, but, seriously, she can't be THAT stupid! And when we play games she doesn't even TRY.... One time we were at lunch, these people were handing papers out for an after school party, Victoria didn't get one(she got to lunch late, even though the Resource Room is EXTREMELY close to the lunchroom.... Seriously...) so my friend, Ingrid, let her look at hers. Victoria reached to grab it and (we were eating fried chicken that day) SHE DIDN'T WIPE HER HANDS OFF. My friends looked disgusted at her (you should've seen Ingrid's face!) and when Victoria gave it back to her, or attempted to, Ingrid said, "Err... No, you can have it. I didn't want to go anyway." and Victoria just shrugged and put the paper on the table. The paper had HUGE grease stains and tiny bits of chicken on it. I didn't want to go either (the main event was a pop drinking contest. I hate anything that's fizzy.) so I gave Ingrid my paper, well, I attempted to, and she said, "Oh! It's okay, Kristy already gave me hers." so I looked at Kristy and she said, "Yeah, I got something planned for tonight anyway."

    Sorry, I just had to say it. I wasn't trying to sound rude or anything, it's just that I have seen some very crazy stuff at school and I felt like sharing it. Hope it made anyone laugh!

    madeline= Yay! It's spelled right! Most people spell it wrong, 'ya know? Still, though, it's VERY VERY popular. There's going to be about 4 Madeline's (with various spellings of course) in her class. So no.

    samantha= It's very pretty and not that common! I love it. I also know a friend named Samantha (well, an ex-friend, but apparently she thinks we're still friends, well I guess that's my fault, I didn't exactly tell it her to her face that I wasn't her friend anymore. She sent me a postcard from her new home. She sounded like her usual happy self...), but I won't go into that story, it'll just make me mad.

    violet= I always loved this name!

    marissa= It's sorta getting popular. It's okay.

    riley= URGH! I honestly can't believe I used to like this name! I hate it now! It's VERY VERY popular, which is bad. No matter how people spell it, it's still bad. Same goes for any name.

    charlotte= A classic!

    danielle= Don't see it much any more! Which is good.

    emma leigh= *sigh* Might as well name her Emily. Emma is very popular. I like the name, I really do, but it's extremely popular now... It turns me off. Maybe Emma Christine? My sister's friend just had a baby girl and that's her name. She has these really really big eyes and she always sticks her tongue out, it's SO cute! My nephew can't say Emma, so he calls her Nemo. It's adorable!

    sophie= It's cute, and I love it. But it's getting popular. Perhaps you could spell it like this, Sofie. That is another official spelling of it. Same goes for Sophia/ Sofia.

    Suggestions: (Lol at Leelu!)

    Elspeth Fay

    Samantha Yvonne

    Fay Wisteria

    Marissa Violet

    Bronwen Fay

    Lydia Rose

    Rosalie Violet

    Marissa Rosalie

    Charlotte Rosalie

    Penelope Danielle

    Lily Jane

    Anette Amaranth (Amaranth is a flower)

    Susan Rose

    Amy Isadora

    Fern Susan

    Iona Lynn

    Helen Susan

    Alissa Skye

    Kathleen Rose

    Lydia Monica

    Sharlen Diane

    Megan Alice

    Theresa Joan (like Joan of Ark)

    Eleanor Karen

    Mary Cosette (these two names remind me of Cosette and Marius from Les Miserables, they loved each other. I'm sure you already knew that, though.)

    Colette Autumn

    Johanna Antonia (another musical reference, I can't help myself!)

    Catherine Bethany

  3. Not Leelu please, maybe as a nick name.

    I like the other names you listed though. My favs are:



    Emma Lee not Leigh

    Sophia not sophie that's more of a nick name

    Try saying Dr. ___________

    or president _____________

    or attorney______________

    See which names sound the best with those titles and then go from there.  GOOD LUCK>

  4. how about

    Sophie Elle Grace

    Madeline Violet

    Kathryn Eloise nn Katie

    good luck and congrats  

  5. Riley is really cute.

  6. I don't know if you care what I think but I only like Danielle. GOOD LUCK!  

  7. Violet Marissa/Marissa Violet

    Madeline Danielle

    Samantha Riley

    Riley Danielle

    Victoria Madeline

    Madeline Marie

    Madeline Savanna

    Marissa Siena/Siena Marissa

    Riley Rebecca

    Riley Cassandra

    Riley Willow

    Danielle Lynn

    Violet Sophia

    Charlotte Ruby

    Please don't use Emma Leigh/Emmaleigh, though...its just confusing and I don't think it looks very nice either. Emily is a gorgeous name.

  8. Violet :)

  9. Riley Madeline! I love the combination!

  10. I like Sophie Viola

  11. Sienna




  12. I love madeline, that is my best friends name. You could do Ella.

  13. I like Sophie and Emma a lot, but I wouldn't but Emma with Leigh.

    Sophie Anna

    Sophie Jade

    Emma Nicole

    Emma Rose

  14. Riley Addison

    Abigalee Madalyn

    Charolette Mackenzie

    Maegan Ada

    Melody Latoya

    Lyra Faith

    Kaia Adelyn


    Gala Hope

    Alexis Ida

                         Hope you like some of the names  

  15. listen

    emma,sophie,danielle,madelin all sound like baby names

    do you think she will like that name in middle or high school or even elementary. they all sound like baby names so as she grows her name shrinks if you understand.

    she needs a name that goes with every age group.

    i would definately name her riley because it may not be a baby name but when she gets older she will apreciate a hottie name like riley.

    the reason i say this is because my mom gave me a cutsie wutsie baby name and now im in middle school and i get picked on and if i start to cry kids start fake crying with me and start saying awww, duh bay bays crying

  16. I love the name Riley it is adorable! I also love charlotte because it has so many nicknames (Charlie, Lottie, Char)

    My Suggestions:

          Acadia (Cady) Rose

          Lily Rae

          Charlotte Marie

          Elisabeth Rose


  17. danielle is a nice name. i like the nickname danni.

    danielle madeline is a good combo.

  18. I like Emily & Riley! I adore older names. My older cousin is preg. she wants to name her girl Olive!

  19. I like Riley and Violet the best. I adore the names you have there, it was a hard choice.

  20. Leelee Madeline

  21. Cecilia Mae

  22. Riley Anne

    Marissa Danielle

  23. Madeline Anne would be adorable

  24. These combos might be good:

    Charlotte Madeline

    Samantha Danielle

    Sophia Lavender

    Victoria Leigh

    I advise against naming your daughter Riley. That is a huge name right now and there will be many others.  

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