
What should i name my new baby black kitten? ?

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What should i name my new baby black kitten? ?




  1. We call our black cat Panterino which means little panther.

    We have had him since he was saved from certain death inside a plastic bag in a garbage bin.  He and his sister were only about 4 inches long and we had to feed them with an eye dropper.  Just think.

    We call the female Tigretina which means little tiger.  Soooooo cute.

  2. LUCKY!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. shadow:)

  4. Girl:





    Hope this help!

    Good Luck! :)

  5. Shadow ;)

  6. carlito bandido

  7. my black kitten is called Darjeeling

  8. Name it midnight.I had a cat named midnight once.  

  9. I have a black kitty named Jinx, I also love the name Jet (male or female) for a black cat

  10. clover=)

  11. Girl - Misty, Sooty

    Boy - Jet, or Jack after Black jack sweets!

  12. My black kitten's name is Emo. You could name it Elvis if it's a boy or Wicked if it's a girl. Rose is also a good name.  

  13. My advice is to NOT go with an overused name like Smokey, Blackie, Midnight, or Shadow.  Those are corny--be original.  Get to know the cat's personality, and go based on that, not something as blah as it's color.

  14. name him lolo

  15. I've always loved the name Midnight.  

  16. What s*x is it?

    Girl: Nikki

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