
What should i name my new daycare??

by  |  earlier

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i'm starting up a new daycare and cant come up with the name, i'm open to any suggestion..also its gonna be for kids off all ages so i don't want it to be a babyish name..something cool and fun...thanx




  1. Michael Jackson play house lol

  2. "Home Away From Home Daycare" would suggest to me that the owner would try to care for my children in a way that I as the parent would!!! Frankly, the reason I never took my daughter to daycare is because I knew no one could care as much for her or what happened to her as I could or as her dad could. So.... the name espouses reassurance, contentment, homeyness, comfort.

    On another note, will this strictly be daycare, or will you be teaching any curriculum? If you will be using some sort of curriculum, then the name should somehow reflect that.

    Home Away From Home.....

    a daycare experience where your child can feel "right" at home!!!

  3. haha well personally i always thought itd be sick to have a daycare called Stud's and Diva's

    It would be a appealing at least

    and i lovee it but its up to youuu

    but if i saw that for my child id be like OHHH SWEET!!!

    because it wouldnt seem like as much torture for the kids to go either and no one would forget the name

  4. Fun Palace Day Care

    GL :)

  5. Hugs & Kisses (the good kind)

    --Like in Family Guy hahahah

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