
What should i name my restuarant?

by  |  earlier

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the food that i would serve would be a bit everthing...(mexican, italian, chinese, etc).




  1. Depends what kind classy or cafe type.

    VENUE (Latin for to come) work with that or WORLD CAFE, FUSIONS, LIZ'S CAFFE

  2. World Delights

  3. "outside the box" restaraunt or how bout "taste buds galore" restaraurant..a couple ideas...good luck!!

  4. ethnic cuisine

  5. how about MIC - hogpog

  6. name it something like jumbo,variety or Liz's lovely restaurant

  7. you could try naming it your name spelled backward

  8. Melange "a mix of everything"

  9. What You Want

    Use the Aretha Franklin song on the commercial.

    What you want

    Baby I got it

    What you need

    Baby I got

    All I'm asking for baby is respect (Just a little bit)

    Some respect (Just a little bit)

  10. Since you're serving foods from all over the world, you probably want you're resturant name to represent travelling or journeys

    How about.

    Over the Horizon



  11. Go to and use that to translate some different words into various languages.

    A bit of everything

    Un pedacito todo (Spanish)

    Una punta di tutto (Italian)

  12. You can name it as 'Asian Trattoria'. Trattoria in Italian means 'casual restaurant'. Also to make the customers to realise that u serve mexican food.... Try to keep back ground of the nae board in mexican flag's colour.

    Asian Trattoria - back ground of these words can be mixture of mexican colours & try to put jalapeno as a logo.

  13. Liz's Cafe

    The Intercontinental

    World Plates

    Ethnic cuisine

    WORLD TOUR - Under One Roof

  14. Liz's (short, sweet, & simple)

  15. everything you need

  16. la foodinesse ristorante

    la mexican

    food american

    nesse asian

    ristorante italian

  17. Melting Pot


    All Cuisines

    International Palate

  18. how about something "fusion" or "deja vu."

    congrats and good luck.

  19. little world

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