
What should i name my webkinz bull frog!?!?

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i'm about to get the webkinz bull frog, and i don't know what i should name it!!! i kinda like the name Bazil, but i need more suggestions!!!!! i want it to be a boy, and for it's name to start with a B!!!!!!! PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!! = ] p.s. i'm not logging it on till' september, it's the pet of the month!!!!!!!!!!




  1. billy bouncer bebe

  2. i think u should name it whatever u want BUT if a were gonna get one i would name it hoppin or something that described him.

  3. bobby,bj and brad

  4. Boy "JDB" gave you a ton of names to pick from. I would go with something relating to what a frog does, acts or lives.  Smart move to wait till September to adopt, since it's the Pet of the Month.  Lot's more goodies for you :)

  5. moooo-ribbit lol

  6. Barley is a really cute name!  So is Bazil!

  7. aaron Abby Aidan Albert Alex  [2]

    Alfredo allison andrew  [4] andy Angel

    Aphila Apple Aqua Man Aramei Army  [3]

    Arnold  [2] Ashley Ashlyn Audeo auqa

    Ausitn Austin autumn Babrie Baby Elsie

    baby kermit Bailey Baitz Balloons Baxter  [2]

    bazooka Beamer Bean  [3] Becky  [2] Bella  [4]

    Ben  [4] Benjamin Benji benny  [2] Berkeley  [2]

    Bernadette BERNARD Betty Croaker Bewford Biff

    Big Hopper biga Bill  [3] Billy  [10] Billy Bob

    Billy FishKinz BillyBobJoesy Bistro black bomb Blake  [2]

    Blake Lewis block Bo-Bo bob  [9] Bob the Bullfrog

    Bobby  [2] Bobo  [2] Bog Boggle Bohee

    Boi Boingo boo bounce Bouncer  [2]

    bouncey Bowling Ball Boyd bradavoobieiamsu Bruce  [2]

    Bubba  [3] Bubbles bubu Bud  [2] Buddy  [4]

    Buela Buford Bug buggie Bugsy

    bulgy Bull  [4] bull dog Bull E bull frog

    Bull Froggy Bulldog Buller Bullet  [4] bullfrog

    Bullie Bullseye  [2] Bullster Bully  [16] Bully Oaf

    Bully Wully Bullyboy Bullybull Bullz bumper

    Burpy Burt Buster  [4] Butch buzz

    Byron cader Caleb Cam Cameron  [2]

    Cami  [3] Camo  [6] Camoflog Camojumper Camouflage

    Camy  [2] Candy Capt Jack Captain Moby Carlton

    Casidy cassiey Casy Cat-tail Cayman

    chachie charles Charlie  [2] charm Charming

    Checkers Chelsea Chester CHEWI Chip

    CHUBBY  [2] chunk a munk ckey clara clover  [3]

    coco Cody  [3] Cokey Cole Conor

    Cookie Copper count chirup Cribbit Cricket  [2]

    Croacker Croacky Croak  [2] Croaker  [5] Croakie

    Croaky  [3] crockers crocky Crocy Crokey

    Cubbles Cutie  [2] dairian dakota smith dalanie

    Dale Dana  [2] daniel Darlena Dave

    DAWN DELIGHT derek  [3] Diddy diggy Doc

    Dog Dolpa Dotty Doty Dog Dr Hoppkins

    Duke  [2] Eadric Earl Eddie Edward

    Edwina Eli Elizabeth Elliot Emerald

    Emeralda Emily eric Erica ertyry

    Eva evan Evelyn Ann evil-frogger faty

    FELIX  [2] Fernando filip Flip  [2] Flipper

    Flippy fluffy flyguy Flyswatter Foggy  [3]

    Frank  [3] Frankie  [2] Franklin Frazzy Freckles  [6]

    Fred  [6] freddie  [5] Freddy  [23] Freddy101 Fredrico

    fredy Freedom freggy Freida Fridolin

    Fritz  [2] Frobert  [2] Frog Frogberta FrogCyclops

    Froger frogey Frogger  [14] Froggie Froggis

    Froggo  [2] froggy  [16] Froggy Frog froggyh Frogster

    frogy  [2] froogy Fropper Froppy frougy

    Frovi Frumples Gabe gabriella Gary

    Gaz Genny  [2] George  [5] Gerimia Germany

    gfrog Girlbert gizmo Goggles Goldy

    googoo Gooogy Grad green bean Green Cheetah

    green day Green Sun Greenie Ham Hammer

    Hannah  [3] Happy  [2] Harry Haywire Patoshik Hazelnut

    Heath Hector Herbert  [2] Herman  [3] hermione

    hijfurr fdfd hip hip hop  [2] hiphop  [2] hippitey

    hondu Hoops Hop-a-lot HopalongHerbie h...

    hopes hoply Hopper  [29] Hoppers  [6] Hoppers Leapy

    hoppey hoppin Hoppit Hoppity Hoppy  [18]

    Hopscotch  [2] Hopster  [2] horns Houston Howie

    Hummer Humpfry Humphrey  [2] Isaiah ivy

    J-J J-Man jack Jake  [2] james

    James Pond Jamil Jammies Jango Jason

    JEFF Jemimah Jeramia  [2] Jeramiah  [2] Jeremia

    Jeremiah  [34] Jeremy  [3] Jerhima Jerimaiah Jerimiah  [6]

    Jeromia Jerry  [4] Jersey Jimbo Jimmy

    jingel bells joe  [2] Joey  [4] Johhny John

    Johnny  [2] Jolly Rancher Jonny Jordan  [2] Jose

    Joxer Jukka Julie Jumanji JUMPER  [3]

    Jumpers  [2] Jumpy  [5] Jumpygreen Kamo Keira

    Kelipi Kent Kermie Kermit  [10] Ketchup

    Kevin KeyLime Kieffer2 Kim King  [3]

    King Croak King Kemit King Liu Kirby Kite

    Kitty  [2] Kiwi  [2] Klepto Kory Krickotot

    Kronk kyle Kylie Lacie lady lucy

    Larry  [2] Lauren  [2] Layla Leah Leape

    Leaping Louie Leaps leapster Leapzles Leep

    Leeroy Legs Leo Leopard Leroy  [2]

    Leslie Lessa liana Life lil HippyHop

    lila Lilly  [10] Lillyanna lillypad  [3] LillyPad Jamie

    Lily  [12] lily pad  [4] limpy Lizzie  [2] Lord Hoppington

    Lord of the Pond Loudbelly Lt. Croaker Lucas  [2] Lucas Grabeel

    lucky  [6] Mac  [2] Macbeth MACKINZIE  [2] Mad-Eye

    Maggie Magic Bullet Magnus Makiko Malia

    MALICHI Manda Marbles Matareka Mateo

    Matt Matthew Max  [7] May Melina

    Michael  [2] Michigan J  [2] Mikie Militoad Mimi

    missfroghopper missi Mojo Mollie moose

    Mossimoe Mozmo Mr Bull Frog  [2] Mr Croaker Mr Froggs

    Mr Hopper mr spots Mr Wizzer Mr. Bullfrog Mr. froggy

    Mr. Pickles Mr. PieMan Mr.Bull Mr.Froggy  [2] mrbull

    MrHopps Mrs Spaky Mrs Super Toad mrss ribbit MS. MADISON

    Muddy muddygreen Mugsy munsi Napolen

    naraku Navy Nenuphar Nevile nick  [2]

    nieppleoldmaid Nina Ninas Grandpa Nonop oliver  [4]

    olivia  [2] Oscar  [2] paddy Patches paul  [2]

    Peapod Pee-Wee Peggy Pepper  [2] Pete  [2]

    Peter peyton peytone Phili-Bob Philip

    Phineas Phoebe Pickle  [2] Pickles  [3] Plop

    Plopper pokeo pokkadott Pollywog  [2] pondfrog

    popcorn Popper poppy Poseidon  [2] Pounce

    Princces prince  [7] Prince Charming prince phillipV Prince Rah

    Princess Lilly Priness Sky puca Puddles  [2] Quill

    Rachael Rae Ralph Rameses II Rana  [2]

    Rand Randy Ray Reno rex  [2]

    Rhett Ribberto Ribbet  [4] Ribbett Ribbit  [10]

    Ribbits  [3] Ribbitta Ribit Ribitey RIBITY  [3]

    Ribot Ricky Ripples Robert Robin

    Rocco Rocky  [4] rody Ron Ronny

    Roockeiy Roxie Roy Ruby Rupert  [2]

    Rupert Ribbit ryan Ryder SALADCRAZIE sally  [2]

    Salomi Salty Frog Sam  [3] Sammakko Sandy

    sarah  [2] sarge Scruffs Sebastien Sebatan

    Seth Jr shilling Shrek  [2] Silas Silas-Matthew

    sillymontkey Simple Sir Jumps Alot Sir Leapsalot SIRHOPSALOT

    Skipper  [2] Skippers skippy  [2] slimy smiles

    smiley  [2] Smokey Soda Sopotty Soulja Frog

    Sparkles Speckal Speckles  [3] spects Spicebomb

    Spike Spinach Splasher Sponge Spot  [20]

    Spots  [12] spotspot Spott  [2] spotter  [2] spottie  [2]

    Spotto Spotts Spotty  [15] SpottyDotty spoty  [2]

    Spotz  [4] Springer Stacey Stan Frog steve  [2]

    storm9 Stripes SunDance Super Fly super swimmer

    Swamp Lily Swampy  [8] Swimmer taco Tad  [4]

    Tai Yang Tally Taneka Taurus Taylor

    Teddy  [2] The Huricane The salty frog Thomas Thompson

    Thyme tiger Timilly Toad Toady

    Toby Tobymac Tod  [2] Todd  [4] Tommy

    Tookey toolbox Tre Cool Treetop Tristan

    Trogdor Trophy Trotter Tucker Twinkle

    Two-Bit tyco Tyler Tyson Ugga

    veggie Verda Verde Verne Viktor

    Vinie Viper Wally Warble Watson

    Webby  [2] Webster Werbit Wetzel willie

    Willow willy  [2] WoogieWoogie Writter Xavier Zorro

    Yellow Belly Yoda Yogi Zach Zack


  8. if i were you id name it something that would describe a bullfrog maybe like Spots, Bouncer,Froggy, If it was a girl maybe Lily,

    hope i helped

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