
What should i not eat during nursing?

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i am on planning on nursing my baby girl coming home in september and was wondering how my diet should be when i am nursing.. during my pregnancy ive been watching out raw uncooked meat, fish, smoking, alcohol, coffee, tea and just things that it was harmful for the baby... i am almost due and my husband and i am planning on a nice dinner maybe after few days after i deliever.. i wanted to go eat sushi..

can i have raw fish during nursing? or is that a no no? what area things i shouldnt eat during nursing?




  1. I have nursed my daughter from day 1...I eat anything and everything I want and she has never not eaten because if my eating habbits...the only thing she doesnt like is the pringles halapeno ranch chips...LOL. But other than that, I dont hardly have a meal that doesn't have garlic, onions, tomatoes, broccoli, cabbage, asparagus, beans, spices, or somthing in it...I eat oranges, apples, chocolate ( I am a chocoholic!!) I am addicted to mountain dew...have a few cans of it a day( I have had more than that at times) and ABSOLUTELY none of it has bothered her (other than the chips, and ohhh were they good LOL)

      But on the other hand I have heard alot of momma's say that ALOT of things bugged their daughter just happens to make things easy on me...I say eat/drink what you want(ofcourse not alcohol and stuff like that) and if you notice fussiness or issues then correct and work it out as you go...I had a rough 1st few months of nursing, it's tough in the begining so just hang in there and I found that I liked the Medela lanolin the best, it seemed to be able to thin out more and cover better, also soothies gel pads...the LC at the hospital gave me 2 sets of them...kept them in the freezer and put them on after EVERY feeding for about 15 minutes and allthough its a little cold at first it helped SOOOO much...if you need to talk or have any issues with nursing when the time comes feel free to shoot me an email!!

      Good luck mama, and congrats on your impending arrival!! Enjoy it, they grow up way too fast!!!

  2. Don't drink excessively. Don't smoke.

    Eat what you want. Keep in mind that the baby will be able to taste some of what you eat in the milk. When I would eat Zaxby's hot wings, my husband swore he could smell it in my son's diaper the next day.

    I ate a lot of Thai food while pregnant and nursing, and my son LOVES curry chicken now.

    Enjoy that sushi!

  3. I stayed clear of sushi when I was nursing. With both of my kids I found it best to avoid acidic foods like oranges, tomato, citrus. Any food that makes you gassy such as broccoli, or cabbage is also bad for them it upsets their sthomac. Caffeine also causes them to be cranky. Just remember that onion, and garlic are 2 flavors that go through the milk. The foods you eat can also change the color of your milk and that is ok. When you deliver the hospital should send you a lactation consultant to your room. They can help with any other questions. Best of luck and congratulations. I also recomend Lansinoh breast ointment and they have the better nursing pads that are more shaped so they arent so obvious plus they have a plastic backing so you wont leak through.

  4. Here is a great article that might help you

  5. You shouldn't eat any strong foods like onions or cabbage because the flavor will come through in your milk, and the baby won't like it.  You just have to try sushi and see if the baby doesn't want to suckle...then you'll know.

  6. It is recommended that you eat a balanced diet while nursing and that you ensure that you eat some foods that are high in calcium (i.e. milk, cheese, yogurt).  However, what you eat is really up to you.  Yes you can have sushi!  I had the same question was relieve to have sushi after 9 months of pregnancy.  

    Now this being said each baby is different.  Some will let you eat anything and they will not react while others will become fussy due to some foods you eat.  When I began nursing I ate everything and then judged if I needed to curb anything based on how my daughter was reacting.  The only thing that I found was that I could not eat chocolate after 7pm because it caused her to be wired at night and so having her sleep in the pm was harder.  But once I stopped doing that then she settled down.

    Best of luck

  7. Spice foods  

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