
What should i pack for an all nighter airsoft game?

by  |  earlier

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I'm goin to be playin airsoft from 19:30 until 11:00 a friday into a saturday morning. And am wondering if anyone has any random tips or suggestions for something that i should pack besides rifle sidearm fatigues and spare clothes.




  1. Go light. I wouldn't even bring spare clothes. You really shouldn't have anything more than a daypack's worth of equipment. Obviously bring enough ammo for the night and gas if you need it. But in general, bring a good knife, matches or a flashlight, warm clothes like gloves or a hat rather than spare clothes, and maybe rain gear, but double up warmer clothes with a rain jacket. Bring enough water and light bits of food like energy gel or energy bars. Unless you plan to dig a fox hole or a shelter and sit in one place all night, then pack lightly, ask yourself with every item, "will i REALLY need this".

  2. Arizona iced tea :) yummy

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