
What should i pack in the bagpack for the 1st day of school for my preschooler

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What should i pack in the bagpack for the 1st day of school for my preschooler




  1. My 3 and 4 year old girls will be attending preschool for the first time this thursday:)

    Finally I'm glad they are 15 months apart:)

    ( bring a camera)

  2. Our school had a list of supplies that included spare clothes, crayons, scissors, etc.  I make sure that my and my husband's name and emergency phone numbers are easily found in the backpack (use an index card).

    I always put in a picture of the two of us together, too.  That way, if he gets lonely, he can take it out and hold it with him.  It may seem silly, but it has helped during those times when he wants his mom.

    We took our first day photos at home before and after school, so we wouldn't be clogging up the hall or classroom, too.  I wanted my time with him to just be our time together to get him started right.

    But honestly, your preschool teacher will have a ton of activities planned for that first day.  It is always exciting for the kids.

    Before I leave the classroom, I tell my son when I will be coming to get him.  And he does fine.  There's something about a cheery "see you soon!" that really works.

    Best to you and your preschooler!  The first day will be fun.  :)

  3. -Atleast one change of clothes maybe 2.  

    -A comfort animal or blanket.

    -Diapers and Wipes (if they're not potty trained)

    -If the school doesn't serve food, a snack and sippie cup w/ drink.

    -Anything else the school suggests.

  4. I just got this info from my daughter's preschool a few days ago. They want me to bring:

    A change of clothes to be kept at school (labeled)

    A jacket/sweater to be kept at school (labeled)

    A crib sheet and blanket (if the child is there all day)

    Lunch in a labeled lunch box

    Tuition Check

    Any missing paperwork from registration

    Hope this helps.

  5. the school should give you a list of supplies needed. if unsure contact the school/center and they should be able to tell you ;)

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