
What should i play FB or LB?Im 5'7,265,bench 175,squat 500 run a 5.1.I started RT and DT in HS,but college?

by  |  earlier

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pass rusher sorry




  1. Your height is going to prevent you from playing DE, no coach will probably play you as that, maybe slide you inside to DT because of your size.

    As for LB or FB, LB if you have good footwork, it will make up for the speed. FB if not, but really most of the FB's in the pros now are converted LB's because of their speed. I would try to get down to a 4.8 at least to have the best chance.

  2. hmm i guess u could be a big college FB... idk about LB

  3. Fb, you need to work on your speed a little because linebackers have to run from sideline to sideline. In a 4-3 defensive set you could play the dt spot

  4. At 5'7" your chances at DE are going to be tough, sorry to say. The average college level defensive lineman is around 6'4". To play RB in any college regardless of division your going to have to get your 40 time way under 5 seconds like around 4.7. If you can drop some weight and gain some speed and agility I would say you have a much better chance.  

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