
What should i put in my gym locker (:?

by  |  earlier

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i want to put ALOT of things inmy locker, like ALOT

sooo i want a long deailed list (:


ohh and add my on myspace if you please (:




  1. -gym clothes... duh haha

    -deoderant.. gotta smell fresh

    -makeup... to look pretty after workin out

    -extra socks... cuz i always forget mine :)

    -oil blotters... like the ones by clean and clear. they are little blue sheets that absorb oil. they are a must in my locker.

    -body spray... everyone loves to smell good without being overpowering

    -girl stuff... if you know what i mean (for your monthly friend) lol

    -pen/pencil... just in case

    -Mirror... if theres no room at the big mirrors in the locker room

    -Brush... get those knots out

    -Hair clips/ hair bands... get your hair out of your face in gym

    -lotion... to smell nice, and god for dry skin

    -Hand sanitizer... get rid of nasty gym/locker room germs

    -maybe an extra bra... just in case you have one that shows through your uniform

    -water... to hydrate lol

    -um whatever else you can think of, have funn =D

  2. deodorant, body spray, socks, shoes,shorts,teeshirts,sweat pants,sweatshirts.

    answer mine?;...

  3. gym clothes

  4. Put in a box of beetles and worms and hang some snakes in there.

    Will make your locker more interesting.

  5. k put:

    a comb

    lots of hairties

    perfume and or lotion


    extra accessories

    water bottle


    sports bra





    lip gloss, mascra eyeliner etc



    bobby pins

    hand sanitizer them gyms are nastaaay

    girl stuff ahem

    extra socks

    maybe another pair of shoes


    have fun lol

  6. Your gym locker... wtf... anyways lol uhh... ull be the only one.. trust me... deodorent...  clothes... maybe  a brush... i had cologne in mine.

  7. just put a mirror in it

  8. extra change of Gym clothes and regular clothes



    q tips *if ur like me after taking a shower I like to use a Q tip to clean and get water out of my ears*

  9. clothes, deoderant, perfume,probably some kool-aid in case you need to drink something, big red gum cause thats what ricki bobbi chews, and a folding chair in case you break your leg and need to sit

  10. umm your gym stuff.

    uhm, a brush




    air freshener. lol.

    extra pair of clothes maybe?

  11. hahaha    why  ALOT of things    y not just normal stuff like clothes and stuff????

  12. your gym clothes?

    isnt that what your gym locker is for?

    your hall locker is for decorating, not your p.e. locker!

  13. mirror


    hair brush



    hair stuff



    bobby pins


    shoes (if u wearing flats that day and need sneakers)

    a lil box for jewelry(if you don&#039;t want to lose it during P.E.


    saftey pins


    hair styling products for touch up

    makeuo for touch ups


    money (just in case if you need some)

  14. well since your talking about a gym locker i would suggest that you only put grooming products such as a deoderant, comb, brush, a body spray (nothing too expensive) and probably a lip gloss. i am not much of a make up person but if u want u can definitely put something make up related in there. ohh and dont forget a MIRROR!! lol

  15. like gym clothes duh lol.

    clothes and maybe deodarant.

  16. i think u just sstarted middle school if u need to know what to put in ur p.e. locker    your hall locker is for decorating, not your p.e. locker!

    this is what i have in my GYM locker

    a shirt


    a extra pair of socks in case we go outside and it wet

    sneakers with good ankle support for sports

    a hoodie when it gets cold

    a hair brush sports make my hair go crazy

    a mirror to make sure everything is ok   unless ur locker room provides one

    some deodrant  u never kno when ur about to sweat  sports make u sweat alot

    dont o overboard just get that stuff u need  list provided ^^^^^^

  17. p**p

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