
What should i put in the diaper bag for when baby comes?

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its been a couple years and i forget.




  1. diapers clean outfit a blanket clothes for you for the trip home pacerfire if you plan on using one  

  2. Diapers.  There's one thing you'll want.  And cream, and wipes, and powder.  Bottles, and extra food (milk or formula, depending on what you are feeding) if you are going out, and maybe won't be able to breast feed...and an extra set of clothes!  My son was about three months old and we were out, and he blew out of his clothes and I had nothing extra!  Good thing we weren't terribly far!

    Oh yeah, and a stuffed animal, extra rattles and binkies.

  3. diapers,wipes, at least 3 outfits for when they have blow outs, receiving blanket, extra pacifiers for when one gets dropped, and waterless hand sanitizer!

  4. with my daughter i always carried at least 6 diapers, wipes burp,diaper rash ointment, rags, a light blanket, an extra set of clothing, a small toy or 2, spare pacifier, gas drops,and of course 2 bottles to feed her ( except when i as breast feeding which i did for 4 months and then had to stop do to medical reasons)..i also went by how long i was going to be gone or if she was sick (say if she was running a fever i would take childrens tylenol with me)..thats about all you need..some people dont even carry that much i just liked to be congrats on your little one!

  5. For a new born I would put in:

    Diapers, wipes, 2 complete changes of clothing (including socks and bibs), a cloth diaper or hand towel (for body cleanup in case of accidents), baby sunblock and diaper rash cream, baby food (formula or breast milk with a bottle), baby tylenol, a pacifier, some sort of colorful rattle or chew toy, a snack, change of shirt and tylenol for you (for when you have a moment of pure need (LOL), a changing pad (because public restrooms are always out of the disposable ones, and a couple of plastic bags for diaper disposal and storage for clothing that has been thrown up on.  If you have other small children with you, bring snacks and toys for them too because they will most likely want anything you try to hand to the baby.  Good luck!

  6. about 5 diapers, wipes, rash cream, burp cloths, change of clothes, hat, extra socks and a light blanket.  I would also put in an extra t shirt or something for you... babies spit up a lot.  Good luck!

  7. Most of these things are more from your own personal preference.

    I would recommend adding some little toys in there to keep your little one preoccupied when he or she starts getting cranky.

    -Snacky foods, like chips, cookies, crackers and things like that

    -Diapers of course

    -Baby wipes


    -Hand sanitizer

    -An extra change of clothes, never know what might happen

    -Changing pad so you don't have to lay your baby on an old germy one

    Good luck and hope I could help :)

  8. diapers, diaper cream,extra clothes, burp rags, nursing pads, sanitary pads, pacifiers, wipes, blankets, sanitizer,baby care kit [nail clippers, the nose sucker thing,hair brush,mylicon,thermometer] bottles,formula and bottled water.



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