
What should i put on my walls?

by  |  earlier

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My parents rent the house that we live in. I can't paint my walls and right now they are jsut plain white. I'm 14 and i would like some color in my room. I have seen wallpaper that is made for people who rent and it goes up and comes down easily, but the ones I have seen are expensive. I don't really like a ton of posters. I really just want some color. What do you think I should do to my walls?? Thanks :]




  1. We lived in base housing and couldn't paint the walls either. You can find fabric you like and dip it in concentrated liquid starch and apply the fabric to the walls. You can find fabric with large designs that you can cut out. When you are ready to take it off just spray it with warm water and the starch will release and you can pull off the fabric and then clean the walls with something like 409 or mix up some ammonia and water in a spray bottle.

  2. removable wall stickers. here are some:

  3. You're 14???

    You should love posters!!!

    Wallpaper ALL THE WHITE with colorful Miley posters from teen magazines!!!

    Oh! Sorry...


    If u don't like posters and can't paint da walls...

    don't really worry about it...

    A mirror...

    A clock...

    A calandar...

    A bullentin board...



    Drawings your 4 yr. old sister made...

    I mean c'mon half ur walls are covered by furniture any way right???

    Wow, this is my longest answer like... ever...

    See ya..

    And remember.., (I love u Miley)

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