
What should i say to my dad who's trying to talk me out of my dream job?

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i've always wanted to be a marine biologist, ever since i can remember.

now that i'm about to go into college in 2 years, my dad is trying to talk me out of doing anything that has to do with marine science, because he says "marine biologists don't get paid squat."

all he ever cares about is money. it's so aggravating, because this is my dream. i could care less about the money, as long as i'm doing something i love.

he's paying for my college and he said he's going to choose the courses i take.

i've already made plans to move to florida to pursue a carrier in marine science, and he already said he's going to make me stay here in oklahoma and go to college here for 2 years before i do anything else... which i don't mind. but i think when it all comes down to it, he's going to make me stay here in this **** hole.

what can i say to him so he'll STFU!?




  1. Well, I suggest staying the 2 years in Oklahoma first. I dont think it's possible for him to control the courses you take if you're over 18, but let him think he can. Try to make your own money to fund living in Florida and pursuing your career, because if you really want to move, and you can afford it, there's not much he can do and he's going to have to face that, but there's not really much to say to him if he's going to be that stubborn.

  2. Pay your own way through college. If he doesn't pay, he has no say. That's what student loans, grants and scholarships are for, after all!

  3. tell your dad if he is really going to ruin your dream job because of his likes tell your mom

  4. be politet and just say dad im doing what im doing cause i love it and it my choice not urs

  5. Follow your Dreams

    and Follow your heart.

    your future is in your hands not his.

    he should be happy for your choices not trying to change your mind;]

  6. William Randolph Hearst's father did not think he was going to make any money going into publishing either.  (Notice the Castle Dad?  It's nice isn't it?)

  7. If u don't at least make an attempt at your dream job u will never be able to forgive yourself.  I understand that marine biologists aren't millionaires, but does your dad understand that they make decent money and u could probably live pretty comfortably.

    It's always difficult when your parents pay your tutuion, they always are going to try to dictate what u do; but I think overall they want to see u do well & make something out of yourself.

    Really sit down & talk w/ your dad & tell him you would rather not stay there & u at least want to at least aspire for your dream job. Remember, overall he really does want to see you happy w/ your life. And if he still if unreponsive, I guess you'll have some decisions to make.    

  8. YOU pay for your education and YOU can choose what to study.

  9. Tell him that if he is not going to be supportive, then you'll take out stupid loans if you have to and pay for your own education so that his money does not dictate your life and future. Be stern and chances are if he sees how much you are interested in marine biology (which by the way you can make a great living at and have a lot of fun and fulfillment), he may surprise you and come around! Don't give in to what he wants you to do - he is trying to live out his life through you but you are your own person and I wish I was as strong as you to have done what I wanted to back then instead of letting my parents decide and make a crummy choice fo rme. Good luck.

  10. This is my dream not yours! and this is my life not yours!

  11. You are an adult and if that is your dream, you follow it. Don't ever let anyone talk you out of what it is that you truly want to do. You know what you want, you know what is best for you. It is sad that your father is more focused on money than your interests. It is your life now. Then again, he wants the best for you, but he shouldn't make your choices for you.

    Let him know this what you want, this what your going to do and do it.

    You know, my parents were set against me moving out of state, but I did it anyway. I am adult, I knew what I wanted, spread my wings and went for it. I don't regret it a bit

  12. my FAMILYis like that but tell him you rather have a dream ccareerthan a dead end job so reach for the stars rather than reaching 4 the door.

  13. say dad you cant tell me what to do in life so im going to keep moving forward and try to get my dream job!!!!!

    hope this helps ive had one of those times :) smiley <33

  14. pursue your dreams

    consider the salary you will need to live on and all expenses you will need to survive on  ( gas too )..your parents are not going to pay your way forever.

    When you turn 18 you can legally move out - anywhere

    get a part time job  now and start saving money now.

    you may have to pay your own way through college and work too

    will you have someone to stay with in florida ?

    you will have to work hard and save$$$

    Maybe when he sees how serious your really are about your decision to be a marine bioligist he will come around . Tell him you are getting a job to pay for your own way to college to pursue your dream he can either support you or not  but either way  you will become a marine biologist

    Money talks   B.S walks

    Best wishes - dont stay in the hole - crawl out and stand up for your self

    I know many people who let others decide their future and they regret it still to today  

  15. well if i were you i would tell him "dad if you want to see me happy in my life then plesae let me do what i want to do" ...but if he still dosen't get it then if i were you i would pay for college, it might be hard but everything can be done...good luck

  16. Just do the general courses there and then tell him that you have to do something that you love to do otherwise you will regret it forever.  Tell him this is your dream and you have to fulfill it.

  17. Ask your dad if he wants you to be happy. When he says yes, say that marine biology is what will make you happy and that what he's doing will make you miserable for the rest of your life.

  18. Thats my dream job too!

    and i know if my dad said that, i wouldn't care what he was paying for, i would say. oh to bad, this is MY dream NOT YOURS and tell him that he can't change what i want to do, and stuff like that.

    Hope everything works out well.  

  19. Strive for your dreams, start working on getting some

    Scholarships. You dad must learn, you will never become

    what he wants, because he has the gold,

    and makes the rules. <}:-})

  20. Well tell him that you wanna be a marine biologist and you understand that he's paying for tuition and stuff  and that you'll take all the courses he wants you to take while also taking courses to be a marine biologist =]

  21. Say to him 'if you loved me you'd let me do it' hehe, just kidding.

    It's your life, your decision, he needed to know that, stand your ground, follow your dream, he'll come round x

  22. Don't let him pay for college. He can't dictate what classes you choose anyway. If its what you want then you need the drive to achieve your goals. Not on your daddys dime.  

  23. actually. marine boi's get paid pretty decently. my dad was somewhat the same way when i told him i was going to go to college for paramedics, but i decided to get A LITTLE BIT (not a lot at all) angry and say this is what i want to do, this is my dream job, it's going to make me happy, and i'd appriciate if you'd be a supportive dad.

  24. If you are over 18 years old, you can do what you want to do. That being said, if your dad is paying for your education, he has a right to tell you what classes to take. Your best choice is to stop taking money from him and do what you will love. If you take his money then you are obligated to do what he wants.  

  25. college is expensive, if he's willing to pay for it let him. take the classes he wants and by your JR year when you want to declare a major choose what you want, that won't be for at least 5 years and your dad will probably ease up by then and you can still pursue your dream job.

  26. I wanted to be a microbiologist but my dad wanted me to be a doctor. I told him, "fine, I'm going to be a prostitute!" and he said ,"You wanna be like your mother? Tell me, do you?"  

  27. if you dont like what you are doing, what good is the money?  Do what you want, you wont regret it!

  28. "I don't care what you do, even if you make me stay home, I'll get enough money to move to Florida and become a marine biologist there."

  29. I had the same problem and what I did was change my major after I got to school you're over 18 when you go off to school it's your life.  If he won't let it go because he is paying for it that creates a problem in the end you need to do what you want with your life but it might mean you are taking out student loans.

  30. man i understand your situation... u cant really choose because he's paying for college...

    well if you REALLY really want to do marine sciences  ( and YOU should do what you want ) than i say get a job to pay for college yourself

    maybe it'll show how bad you want it and he'll end up paying for marine sicences

    good luck

  31. You should sit down and talk to him about why you want to do it, and tell him its not about the money for you. I say you should follow your heart, not what your father says.

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